Calendar for Mr. Woodhall's Classes

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Contributions from "The Antagonist"

Now this is something really special. I guess you'll have to see it to really believe it. Perpetual motion. A law of thermodynamics clearly states that something using energy, whether it is being shifted back and forth, or being replenished will lose energy over time regardless. This man, Mr. Thane Heins has discovered a way to avoid that, no one is entirely certain, but scientists are fairly convinced.

Check it out.

If anyone is thinking ahead to type I, II or III civilizations, this could stop entropy completely, if we ever find a way to harness perpetual motion. Perhaps the machine in question just loses energy on an extremely small scale. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Gord Woodhall said...

A number of years ago I saw a documentary on perpetual motion machines. I wish I could remember more about it, but I do recall this European man (I think Italian) who built this great big Ferris wheel looking thing that had these slips that would flip. I don't remember exactly how it worked but it was determined that it was not perpetual motion, that the friction of the axle and wheel caused a net loss of energy.

I also remember on the Simpsons when Lisa built a perpetual motion machine and Homer yelled "In this house we will observe the Laws of Thermodynamics!".

Thanks again for the contributions.

My Science class and I discussed the Eidolon video yesterday, there were a number of students that found it very interesting. I hope it provokes some further discussion.