Calendar for Mr. Woodhall's Classes

Friday, April 24, 2009

Have scientists discovered Spider-Man's secret to superstrong silk?

Scientist found that blasting spider webs created by the Araneaus spider with heat and moisture allowed them to break down some of the protein bonds that make up the silk. Once the silk was damaged by the heat and moisture researchers exposed the web to a vapour containing a variety of metal molecules; such as aluminum, titanium or zinc. The metal molecules were able to attach to the broken protein bonds thus producing a stronger web.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

G.10 Science: Awareness Article #4

Awareness Article #4 is due May 1st, 2009.
Please see Awareness Article format found in the labels on the right hand side of the front page.
1. Write your Awareness Article as a word document so that you can cut and paste it in to the blog. This will prevent you from losing any work as a result of technical difficulty.
2. You require a login and password to post on the blog.
3. See me if you are having difficulty.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Science: Remote Cloud Ships to Combat Global Warming

John Latham, a cloud physicist, is currently working on a project that would hopefully increase the reflectivity of clouds (i.e albedo effect) and therefore reflect solar radiation of the sun.

Check out this clip from Daily Planet.

Daily Planet: Remote Cloud Ships

Science: Plausible Theory of how Stonehenge was created

Wally Wallington has moved 20,000lb rocks and Barns using no mechanical equipment. His chosen method is to use nothing more than sticks, stones, and "his favorite; Gravity".

Science: Teens capture images of space with £56 camera and balloon

Four spanish students rigged a digital camera to send pictures back from a helium weather balloon which they launched into the upper atmosphere. The pictures are fantastic, and apparently, it only cost about $100 in parts.

Check out the article.
Teens Capture Images of Space

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Science: Excellent Source for Environmental Information

A great source of articles on the environment and environmental friendly choices. For example one of his articles compares using paper cups vs ceramic mugs but you'll have to read it to find out the answer. It is surprising once you start reading how often we think we are making environmentally friendly choices but aren't.

Slate: The Green Lantern