Calendar for Mr. Woodhall's Classes

Friday, February 19, 2010

G.9 Science - Awareness Article #1_Period B_Feb 2010

Awareness Article #1 is due Monday, February 22, 2010.

1. Make sure you follow the format, a significant portion of your marks are based on proper format.
2. Complete the article in a word document and save it. Then copy and paste the content into your blog post. This provides you a backup in case an error occurs during the post.
3. There are a number of valuable sources found under the Science Links.


stephanieb said...

Title: Scientist backs animal testing for cosmetics
Authors: Alok Jha and Paul Lewis
Date: Saturday 4 March 2006
Submitted by: Stephanie B.
Summary: The article had two different points of veiw. Scientist Tipu Aziz’s outlook on animal testing is that it is okay to use animal testing for science and cosmetics. Where as director of the pro-vivisection lobby group research defence society Simon Festing says that Tipu Aziz is just basing his outlook on personal opinion and isn’t actually involved in cosmetic testings. Cosmetic testing is banned in Britan and that there has been no movement to bring it back, Simon Festing says that with this Tipu’s outlook is not even relavent besides being his personal point of view. L’Oreal has used time and effort to come up with alternatives for testing, they have voluntarily have stopped using animal testing since 1989. The US animal rights group had six of its members convicted of terriorism and internet stalking after using a website to attack the British-based company Huntingdon Life Sciences. The group had posted personal information such as home phone numbers and addresses of employees from a New Jersey division of the company. The defendants faced three to seven years in prision and $250 000 in fines. To conclude there are many different opinions on animal testing but even so weather your opinion is for animal testing or against it you have to choose your actions carefully or else you may end up in court like some of the members from the US animal rights group.
Additional Sources
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Unknown said...

The Physics of Basketball “Foul Shots”
By, Bill Willis
Posted: 2001
Submitted By: Adriana C

Summary: Have you ever wondered how professional basketball players never seem to miss a foul shot? It all has to do with kinaesthetic memory. Kinaesthetic memory is a muscle memory that is usually formed by repetition. This article shows that not only does a basketball player need to practice hundreds, or even thousands of foul shots a week to gain a strong shot but the player also has to do the shot the same way repeatedly. Repetition helps the player by making their body and muscles become familiar with the feeling of a ‘good shot’, which ensures the guarantee of the shot going in. Over a time period of practicing the same shot, it becomes natural. Therefore when a player steps up to the foul line, he/she doesn’t even have to think about what they are doing. They let their muscles and mind take control of the shot.

Two addition sources on related topic:
Source 1:
Source 2:

Unknown said...

Title: The Physics of Basketball
Author: Bill Willis
Date: 2001
Submitted by: Candice B.

This summary shows that basketball is a thinking sport and you need a lot of hand eye coordination to play the game. Although like many sports, you need skill and aggressiveness to get anywhere while you play, this article shows the physics of spin on the ball, receiving a pass, bouncing a ball, starting stopping and changing directions, hang time, foul shots, and layups. I agree with this article because, you need to put spin on a ball to get a good shot and pass, when you bounce the ball it has to be inform and full of air or else you won’t get a good bounce back to your hand and also finding hollow spots in the floor won’ help you either when you dribble the ball. You must have to have good shoes with good traction or you will be sliding all over the court. Foul shots take a lot of time and focus to get them in. Like when you are shooting a foul shot the crowd of the opposing team will be at your back in trying to get you to miss the shot, all you got to do is tune them out.

Additional Sources
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Allison said...

Title: Think Twice: How the Gut's "Second Brain" Influences Mood and Well-Being
Author: By Adam Hadhazy
Date Article was Posted: February 12 2010
Submitted by: Allison S.

Summary: This article talks about how we almost have a second littler brain in part of our digestion track that is connected with our brain in our head. The article is in the point of view of three scientists named Michael Gershon, Emeran Mayer, and Gerard Kersenty. Gershon talks about how this “brain” in our gut contains somewhere near 100 million neurons, more then our spinal cord. He also says that the second brain independently controls our gut behavior. Mayers says that the system is to complicated to have been just used for one thing. Scientists have learned that most of the messages are from the gut to the brain instead of the other way around. All three of the scientists talk about how the second brain may be connected to various diseases. The article finally talks about how cutting edge researchers are trying to find out how the second brain controls the immune response since seventy percent of our immune system is aimed at our gut to kill foreign invaders.

Source 1:
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Unknown said...

Title : How Fantasies Affect Focus
Author : Melinda Wenner
Date : March 2010
Website :
Submitted by: Annie L.

This article explains how daydreaming about specific things, whether it is about sexual intercourse, or love affects peoples thoughts. This article has two sides. They tested how well people did on a test by having them think about love, or sex.
The ones who fantasized about love made them more creative, whereas the ones who fantasized about sex increased their detailed (explanatory, logical) thinking skills. On a test, the people who fantasized about love did much better on the creative tasks and scored less on the more detailed questions. The ones who fantasized about sex, the opposite. They scored more on the more detailed questions, and less on the more creative part of the test.
In conclusion, this article explains that what people fantasize about affects their focus on certain areas.

Unknown said...

Title: The Physics of Figure Skating
Author: Clara Moskowitz
Date: February 17, 2010
Submitted by: Erika K.

Summary: This article explains how a figure will gain speed and cleaner movements. This theory shows that figure skaters can easily stay in motion because there is not a strong force of friction against them. But also, the skater needs some friction between the skate and the ice because it is the friction that starts the motion and allows them to stop. The amount of momentum is also very important for the skater. The skater will have less momentum if their arms are out, rather than in because their mass will be using up a greater amount of space, causing them to slow down. When the skates push down and back on the ice, the ice does the opposite effect allowing the skaters to glide or jump.

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Title: Viruses & It helps in Shape Human Genetic Variability.
Author: Science Daily
Date of article: (Feb. 21, 2010)
Submitted By: Nishadh, R.
The new discovery describes that viruses are also responsible for shaping the human genetic variability. Well viruses has proved that they are the biggest threat for human’s and animal’s life, since from the history and still there are billions of people who are suffering from it and caused death worldwide. The identification of gene variants that modulate the susceptibility to viral infections is thus central to the development of novel therapeutic approaches and vaccines. Due to the long relationship between humans and viruses, gene variants in the body have in increasing their strength to fight with these pathogens has been automatically selected by nature. This concept was exploited to identify variants in the human genome that modulate susceptibility to infection or the severity of the ensuing disease. While the author describes that the people in different geographic areas face the different pathogens and so it has been subjected to the changeable virus-driven discriminatory force. By analyzing genetic data for 52 populations distributed worldwide, the authors identified variants that display higher frequency where the viral load is also high. By this draw-up, they found out 139 human genes that modulate susceptibility to viral infections; the protein yield of a number of these genes interacts with each other and regularly with viral mechanism.
2 related sources:
Public Library of Science, &EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
2 related topics:
1. How Pathogens Have Shaped Genes Involved In Our Immune System.
2. Viral Infection At Birth Linked To Cerebral Palsy.

Unknown said...

The 10 Most Dangerous Olympians -- Online
Author: Fox News
Date Article Posted: February 17th, 2010
Website: The 10 Most Dangerous Olympians Online –Article
Submitted by: Abigail E

Summary: This article is about the problems with computer hackers and their ability to put viruses on many computers. They put these viruses and spam on the computer via famous Olympic athletes. The article also tells us which athletes you must look out for when searching them up because of the Internet criminals hacking ability. Therefore, when searching Olympic athletes like Jennifer Rodriguez or Peter Fill and others take precaution that there may just be viruses attached to the photos.

Additional Sources:

Anonymous said...

No- Sex Needed: All female lizard species cross their chromosomes to make babies

By Katherine Harmon

Summary: This article is about how most species of lizards don’t need a male to reproduce. But a female lizard is born with an extra set of chromosomes so it can cross its own to reproduce. Scientists didn’t know much about this until quite recently. Some lizards still mate with the opposite sex but sometimes that is impossible because there so isolated from each other. So basically if the female lizards could not reproduce by themselves the species could start to become extinct.


Date posted: February 21 2010

Submitted by: Aldan W

Unknown said...

Title: Nanotechnology Sparks Energy Storage on Paper and Cloth
Date: February 22, 2010
Submitted by: John Tadeo

Summary: This article is all about manufacturing paper, they manufacture the paper to create a battery and you can use as a charger. Yi Cui and his group do some experiment, that experiment is all about a paper that you can use as a charger they use some ingredient to store the energy to the paper. It says in the article that if you dip a piece of paper or a cloth in a special ink and that is the nanotube ink you can use that paper as your charger. After you dip it you need to dry it using the oven and if it's already dry you can use it as a charger. This thing was found by Yi Cui. The author said that the key ingredient in developing these products can't be seen by our naked eye. The type of nanoparticle that used by the Cui group's experiment is the lithium cobalt oxide, lithium cobalt oxide is an ingridient to make a battery, that they use to the ink I'm talking about so if you dip the paper or a cloth in that ink you can use that as a charger of your gadget.

Source 1:
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Unknown said...

Animal Tests 101 and Life in a Laboratory
Author: Professor Charles R. Magel
Date written/posted: February 22, 2010
Submitted by: Erika L
Summary: In the U.S there as many as 115 million animals that are experimented on and tested on and for that reason many of them are killed in laboratories. A lot of it includes pumping chemicals into animal like; rats, mice, kitten’s, rabbits and dogs and then left to suffer. Most of what is put in there body can make them have a seizures, force feed chemicals to animals, conduct repeated surgeries on them and more. It comes to the point where animals get cover in fear every time someone walks by their cages. It is sad to no that people could do this to animals.

Source 1:

Source 2: picture of ‘Stop Animal Tests’

Anonymous said...

Title: The Physics of 2012
Author: Tom Montalk
Date: 30 March 07
Submitted by: Harveen G

Summary: On December 21 of 2012 it has been believed to be the end of the world for many reasons. First there is a mythical cultural reasoning to this, where people have predicted natural world disasters to date and they have been proven to be true. The other reasoning to 2012 is how our planet is slowly aligning with the galactic equator. The Earth and our solar system orbits in the milky way, which is an active galaxy. As the stars and planets gather near the galactic plain, gravitational strength increases, which effect the balancing of the planets. Slowly the Earth will pass through the most dense part of the gravitational plains, and soon the pole will shift and that will result in massive natural disasters, and begin a new ice age.

Additional Sources
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Gord Woodhall said...

Germany Floats New Plans to Keep Hydrogen-Powered Cars in the World's Transportation Mix

Date: February 18 2010

This article is about making hydrogen cars be on the road more often. But, these cars are not very good and there hoping to make them better in Germany. Also, Obama is trying now to find a way to fund hydrogen cars. But, they will not be expected to be out on the road till 2015. Also the Germans and the National hydrogen association are teaming up to try and make hydrogen cars better. A main reason to bring hydrogen cars back is that they will save 80% of the carbon dioxide in the world. Those are the main points in my article.

This article was made by: Larry Greenemeier

The website were this came from was:

Related sources:
1. Battery recharging cars,

2. Plugging Highway Vehicles into the Electric Grid,

Submitted By: Austin L

benvolio said...

The jumpie rollie robot
Author: no author given
Date: December 4, 2008
Submitted by: Alan B
Summary: The article is about a robot that can jump like a grasshopper and roll which makes it unique by being able to do both. There have been robots before that can do one or the other but not one that can do both together. These two movements allow it to move around obstacles and it will probably become a stepping stone for robots in researching space. The robot is called a Jollbot, weighs less than a kilogram and is spherical in shape. It was designed by Rhodri Armour, a student from the University of Bath.
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Unknown said...

Studies show that when you don=t eat enough fat, cholesterol or sugars it is more likely that you will be unhappy. If you want to be happy and have a better sleep at night then eat lots of fruits and raw foods ( such as salmon). Eating prepared foods like vegetables and grains can make you more depressed. Daylight can also make you happier, which is why many people are more happy when its summertime instead of winter. It is not good for someone to eat just grains in all three of their meals in a day.This doesnt mean that you should only eat raw foods and never eat any grains , it just means you need to take into consideration every food group that you eat.
Author : None.
Additional Sources : The national library of medicine
2000 , does not say the exact date.
This article was posted on
Laura H

Unknown said...

Title: Warmer Planet Temperatures Could Cause Longer-Lasting Weather Patterns
Author: Tony Lupo
Date: February 18, 2012

Submitted by: Fowzia A.

This Article is about how heat waves affect the human race and the environment. Tony Lupo is researching about the Earth’s atmosphere and if we can see if patterns in temperature could cause longer, lasting weather patterns. He is also studying and believes that heat sources such as radiation, condensation, and surface heating and cooling can have a significant role in blocking the atmosphere. He is also studying if the future of man kind can predict when heat waves come because in 2003 European heat wave caused 40,000 deaths. The article also talks about how global warming has a huge effect in the atmosphere and weather. This article also talks about carbon dioxide and how carbon dioxide increased, a lot in the atmosphere. In conclusion, this article really points out the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Additional Sources
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Unknown said...

Title: Violent Video Game Play Makes More Aggressive Kids, Study Shows
Author: Unknown
Posted: March, 2, 2010
Submitted By: Nick Rodriguez

Summary: Did you ever think how a video game such as Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row, or Call of Duty would make a child more aggressive? Craig Anderson a Professor of Psychology, from Iowa State University has studied this topic, Craig Anderson had this to say “the effects are that exposure to violent video games increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior in both short-term and long-term contexts. Such exposure also increases aggressive thinking and aggressive affect, and decreases pro social behavior." The aggression level depends on the child and his/hers genetic structure; a less caring child will end up being more aggressive, there is also confirmation that playing violent video games is a cause for long-term harmful outcomes.

Two additional sources on related topic:

Unknown said...

Title: Fact or Fiction: Chocolate Is Poisonous to Dogs
Author: Alison Snyder
Date: February 2, 2007
Submitted by: Leigh T.

Summary: Chocolate to dogs is said to be Poisonous and Lethal. This all depends on the size of the dog, how much chocolate the dog ate, and the quality of the chocolate. Large dogs can handle a small amount of chocolate but if you gave the same amount of chocolate to a Chihuahua or any other small dog it can be dangerous. Chocolate comes from the seeds of a cacao tree, which include a group of compounds called methylxanthines. If dogs ingest small amounts of methylxanthines they can have diarrhea or vomiting where as humans have euphoria which is an extreme state of happiness. Chocolate has a large amount of theobrime and small amounts of caffeine in it. Dogs can have seizures, muscle tremors, and even can cause a dog’s heart to go twice as fast as it normally would if they ingest theobrime or caffeine.