Calendar for Mr. Woodhall's Classes

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Science: Awareness Article #4

Awareness Article #4 has now been assigned. Since I am away tomorrow (Friday, April 11th, 2008) you will have some time to work on it in class, as a result, it will be due on Monday, April 14th.

This means it is last call for Awareness Article #3. As of Monday, April 14th, any outstanding AA #3's will be deducted 10% per day to a maximum of 50%.

If you have AA #1 and AA#2 still outstanding, this would be a good time to complete it.

You will have one more Awareness Article to write after this one.


Unknown said...

Where That Suit has Been
Eric Wilson
New York Times Style and Fashion

This article made me think about how many fossil fuels are being burned to ship my clothes to the store. Making fabrics, shipping them to the factory, and shipping them to the store all releases many carbon dioxide emissions. Some companies are thinking of putting on the label what that clothing piece's carbon footprint was. This shows that the companies are making an effort to make the world cleaner. It also gives consumers a chance to make an environmentally friendly decision.

Kayla F

Unknown said...

Title: Colour-Changing Chameleons Evolved To Stand Out, Not Blend In
Author: Ed Yong
Article Date: 29 January, 2008
Source: Not Exactly Rocket Science

The title of this article basically says it all. Many people have been led to believe that chameleons change colours in order to blend in with their surroundings and hide from predators. This brings the false illusion that chameleons are scarcely seen, and more likely to blend with their surroundings then reveal themselves. Although the reason for colour changing in order to better protect themselves, could very well be true, scientists believe that their colour-changing ability is more a part of their communication with other chameleons, and species alike. Chameleons have an incredible ability to both blend in, and stand out when they chose. They use their colours in order to defend themselves from threats of dominance between rivals, or to attract possible mates.


hyegee said...

Title: "Lyuba" gives scientists glimpse of mammoth insides
Author: Dmitry Solovyov
Article Date: April 10, 2008

The baby mammoth called Lyuba has helped Russian scientists to obtain the most detailed pictures of the insides of a prehistoric animal so far. Her internal organs were pretty well preserved because her skin was intact, protecting her internal organs from contamination by microbes. The scientists say this Lyuba's contribution to science could be far bigger than we might think right now, because it will help to discover the methods of decoding the genetic map of any extinct prehistoric animals.

Unknown said...

What is Propane, how is it stored and used

Propane is a mixture of natural gas and petroleum C3H8 that can occur naturally, easy to store and is highly combustible this making it a very good source of energy. When propane burns it converts into water vapor and carbon dioxide (a green house gas), a cleaner but not harmless alterative. Propane is mostly stored and transported in a liquid form due to propane is 270 times more compressed in its liquid form that in its gas form. Compressing this gas is achieved by compressing the gas into a confined spaced, forcing the gas to a colder temperature and converting the gas into a liquid. Around 90 percent of propane is produced in the United States, leaving around 10 percent from Canada and Middle Eastern countries. Dr. Walter Snelling was the person who discoed that evaporating gasses could be stored as a liquid, one being propane, one year later the propane industry was born. Today propane is being used to heat homes, dry crops and even used as an alterative fuel for fleet vehicles. supporting points main article

hyegee said...

Title: "Lyuba" gives scientists glimpse of mammoth insides
Author: Dmitry Solovyov
Article Date: April 10, 2008

A baby mammoth called Lyuba has helped Russian scientists to obtain the most detailed pictures of the insides of a prehistoric animal so far. Her internal organs were pretty well preserved because of her intact skin, protecting her internal organs from contamination by microbes. The scientists say this Lyuba’s contribution to science could be far bigger than we might think right now, because it will help to discover the methods of decoding the genetic map of any extinct prehistoric animals.

Additional sources:


Unknown said...

Title: Blooming Jellies
Author: Rachel Ehrenberg
Article Date: April 9th, 2008

This article says that recently massive groups of jelly fish have been showing up in places that don’t usually have many. These jelly fish are not always welcome; some are clogging up pipes that bring water to power plants. Big clumps of jelly fish are getting caught in fishing nets, and are killing the caught fish, and damaging the nets. Fishermen are beginning to worry about these jelly fish. The change in the jelly fishes habitats are starting to worry scientists. They wonder if something in the ocean has changed. They are also trying to figure out if this is just a temporary change, or if more jellyfish will end up in new places.

Submitted by: Ellen

Unknown said...

Title : Techniques to help retired people feel comfortable using computers
Source :
Date: April. 2, 2008
Authour : Luca di Fillippo

According to Dutch resercher Henk Herman Nap, for pensioners, large letter types and keys, the mother language and a touch screen and ABCED keyboard as input devices are needed. Also positive feedback is important to reduce the stress while they are using the computer. In terms of skills, even though use of the internet is increasing, pensioners' skill is behind the younger generation so system should consider the capabilities of pensioners. Nap said if the complexity of a system and the expected performance of pensioners exert an influence on acute stress.

Additional source : -

Laura Loconte said...

Title:Washing Your Vegetables and Fruits May not be Enough.
Author: ScienceDaily - American Chemical Society
Article Date: April 13, 2008
Source: Science Daily -

Your mom and grandma always told you "Wash your fruits and vegetables so you don't get sick!". Well, they are right but also wrong. A recent study has shown that washing our daily food may not be enough. First of all, why do we even have to wash it? Well, fruits and vegetables have harmful bacteria - E. coli and Salmonella for example - that can cause puking and bad cases of diarrhea. So what can we do then? Scientists did an experiment to figure this out. They put vegetables with E. coli and Salmonella for the same amount of time. When washed with plain water for three minutes, it doesn’t reduce anything at all. With a chemical treatment – Sodium Hypochlorite solution – for three minutes did help some of the fruits and vegetables though, but worthless in others. Ionizing radiation (a type of radiation that detaches electrons) worked fantastic with reductions of 99.9% for various vegetables and fruits. Even those little E. coli that were hiding under something or the tightly packed Salmonella didn’t have a chance!

Other Sites:

Ionizing Radiation -
Salmonella -
E. coli -

Daniela P.

mymystic manfriend said...

Title: Shooting clouds with lasers triggers electrical discharge
Author: Flora Graham
Date of Article: 14 April 2008

In a step towards gaining the God-like ability to call down lightning bolts on a whim, researchers used an ultra-high-power laser to trigger electrical activity in storm clouds over New Mexico, US. By firing ultra high powered five terawatt laser bolts into the cloud, major electrical changes occurred in and around the clouds surface (not causing an actual electrical strike). The total consumption of electricity on the globe in 2001 was 1.7 terawatts. These high powered lasers could also be utilized to “disarm” electrical sites in very important areas by overloading the clouds electric capacities and eliminating the chance of a lightening strike

Additional Sources:

Title: Shooting clouds with lasers triggers electrical discharge
Author: Flora Graham
Date of Article: 14 April 2008

In a step towards gaining the God-like ability to call down lightning bolts on a whim, researchers used an ultra-high-power laser to trigger electrical activity in storm clouds over New Mexico, US. By firing ultra high powered five terawatt laser bolts into the cloud, major electrical changes occurred in and around the clouds surface (not causing an actual electrical strike). The total consumption of electricity on the globe in 2001 was 1.7 terawatts. These high powered lasers could also be utilized to “disarm” electrical sites in very important areas by overloading the clouds electric capacities and eliminating the chance of a lightening strike

Additional Sources:

April 14th

Unknown said...

Title: Bacteria tails could protect against 'dirty' bomb
Producer: News Service
Author: Debora MacKenzie
Date of Article: April 11, 2008

The Article Bacteria tails could protect against 'dirty' bomb discusses a drug developed by scientists made from Salmonella, which is capable of protecting mice and monkeys from high levels of radiation. This discovery could help rescuers enter areas affected by radioactivity (from nuclear or dirty bombs) as well as protect patients taking radiation therapy, as it protected other cells without protecting tumors in the mice. Radiation sickness kills a person when it triggers apoptosis, the natural program for cell death. When Apoptosis occurs in the cells lining the stomach lining and bone marrow, which produces vital blood cells, the person dies. The flagella of Salmonella bacteria have a special chemical called NF-kB that prevents apoptosis which explains why they and the gut cells they are in contact with can survive radiation. Scientists created a molecule to transport Salmonella proteins called CBLB502, and tested it on mice. 90% of the mice withstood 13 Grays of Radiation (fatal to humans) protecting essential cells and working twice as well as the next leading protective drug, but it did not work as well on monkeys as it did on the mice. While it is not as effective as a treatment after radiation as Neummune, the Salmonella drug offers better protection beforehand, and whether or not the two could offer a stronger combined effect is uncertain at present.

Additional Sources:

Submitted By: Andrew

Shenaz A. said...

Title: plastic milk experiment
producer: newscientistvideo
date: september 12, 2007

This experiment is done by warming up milk in a pan on a stove. Then you add 1-2 tsp of vinegar, mix frequently. The milk will then start to produce clumps of fat, minerals, and cassein(ingrediant used to make milk), this stage happens because of the heat and acetic acid percipitates the casein, strain the milk and keep the clumps. Now you can mold it into a shape and leave it to dry.


Darren H said...

Title: Astronaut in space for Passover remembers a fallen Israeli hero
Author: Irene Klotz
Article Date: April 16, 2008

A Jewish astronaut named Garrett Reisman is now aboard the International Space Station and plans to celebrate Passover. In addition, an even more important task that he is going to do is pay tribute to his fallen comrade, Ilan Ramon. Reisman underwent his astronaut training with Ramon. To do this Garret brought up Ilan’s copy of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. He is also flying a cloth with the symbol of the State of Israel signed by President Shimon Peres. He also is bringing a Buddhist necklace. Reisman’s Passover will be spent getting to know his Russian crewmates. Also, soon the space station will have a more permanent mark of Jewish contributions, because Reisman’s replacement, a Jewish astronaut, plans on bringing up two mezuzot.

Additional sources:

Darren Hall

Unknown said...

Title: New Analysis Shows Migration Out Of Africa
Author: Alan R
Date: February 10th, 2008

This is an article I found while I was browsing forums. It basically suggests that humans did not come from Asia. This scientist is proving that even before then, there was another type of Homo sapiens that had left Africa in search of new land. The scientist then proves that these Homo sapiens interbred with Eurasian populations. Thus making love, not war. He says it's a long shot, but it is a possibility people should look into.

Submitted By: Adam R

soonah said...

Title: How air pollution hurts your kids' lungs
Author: Judy Fortin

This article talking about how air pollution hurts children's lung more than adult's. Children are more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution because their lungs don't fully form until they are adolescents. And also children spend more time outdoors than do adults, they have increased exposure to outdoor air pollution. Then these cause children to hard to breath. Breathing difficulties can hurt oxygen supply to growing brain. Best-selling author said, ""If you live near a polluted area of a city, it's like the child is smoking," It's kind of scary because the air pollution is getting worse thesedays and our future children will having more trouble with breathing. This article gave an information that the best thing to our children is not choose a house, school or playground that is close to a busy road or a highway and get their exercise earlier in the day, when the air is cleaner.

Additional Sources :

Submitted by: Soonah
April 20, 2008

Elizabeth Wood said...

Title: Light Night, Dark Skies
Author: Amanda Leigh Haag
Date of Article: December 5, 2007

The article Light Night, Dark Skies is about the effects of light pollution. In October 2007 people all around the world were asked to go out at night and give an estimate on how many stars they saw and also to look for certain constellations. This experiment was held to give scientists and astronomers an idea of how light pollution affects seeing the night sky. Astronomer, Dennis Ward, says that on a nice clear night out of the city that you can see approximately 14 000 stars but on the same night in the city you may only see about 150. Light pollution makes it much harder for astronomers to do their job but it also affects the animals in our world also. Artificial light can attract animals, taking them off their original course. The article also says that millions of birds die every year from flying into things like light towers. Now people are starting to think this is a problem and campaigns are being started to encourage people to turn off lights when they are not using them. I hope that in the near future I can go out any time to enjoy the night sky.

Additional Sources:

Submitted By: Elizabeth Wood

Unknown said...

Title: By 2040, there will be no ice left at the North Pole, scientists predict
Author: Jerome Douglas
Date: December 19 2006
Summary Date : April 23. 2008
Additional source:

This articles talking about in letter of the journal this week indicated
That the Arctic Pole’s water could become warm over the next 30 years. Currently, earth’s North Pole is already warmer than the South Pole because it lies at sea-level in the middle of an ocean. This causes the North Pole to act as a heat collector. Whereas, altitude is the factor in a continental land mass like the South Pole. The North Pole sea ice averaged 2 to 3 meter thick. In recent year the thickness has decreased because of global warming. Due to same reports, Arctic water fall’s to freeze back during winter. For two year, the sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean
not reach its normal winter size. As a result ice has been shrinking.
Last month, the sea that was frozen covered an area that was 2 million square kilometers less than the historical average. "That's an area the size of Alaska … we're no longer recovering well in autumn anymore," says leading ice expert Mark Serreze from the University of Colorado. "The ice pack may now be starting to get preconditioned, perhaps to show very rapid losses in the near future." ###

Unknown said...

Title: By 2040, there will be no ice left at the North Pole, scientists predict
Author: Jerome Douglas
Date: December 19 2006
Summary Date: April 23. 2008
Additional source:

This articles talking about in letter of the journal this week indicated that the Arctic Pole’s water could become warm over the next 30 years. Currently, earth’s North Pole is already warmer than the South Pole because it lies at sea-level in the middle of an ocean. This causes the North Pole to act as a heat collector. Whereas, altitude is the factor in a continental land mass like the South Pole. The North Pole sea ice averaged 2 to 3 meter thick. In recent year the thickness has decreased because of global warming. Due to same reports, Arctic water fall’s to freeze back during winter. For two year, the sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean not reaches its normal winter size. As a result ice has been shrinking. Last month, the sea that was frozen covered an area that was 2 million square kilometers less than the historical average. "That's an area the size of Alaska … we're no longer recovering well in autumn anymore," says leading ice expert Mark Serreze from the University of Colorado. "The ice pack may now be starting to get preconditioned, perhaps to show very rapid losses in the near future." ###

Unknown said...

Title: Boy or Girl? The Answer May Depend on Mom’s Eating Habits
Author: Tara Parker-Pope
Date of Article: April 23, 2008

Researchers in England, have recently discovered that the gender of a baby may be linked to the mother's diet before and during early pregnancy. This data was based on a study of 740 first -time pregnant women. They recorded their eating habits and researchers analyzed the data based on their calorie intake. Amog women who ate the most, 56% had sons compared to the 45% who ate the least. There was also a strong relation between women eating breakfast cereals and producing sons.


Additional Sources:

Unknown said...

Title: Ice escapades: Greenland’s ice sheet is speeding to the sea.
Author: David Biello
Date of Article: April 18, 2008

This article considered how climate changes affect to the environment problems. There was a roughly 11billion gallon lake that stretched more than two square miles and covered the western portion of Greenland’s massive ice sheet. After 16 hours, it was all gone because of water pressure cracked through the ice. Scientists say Global warming might trigger icebergs to break free from the leading edge of glaciers more quickly and frequently. And if such melt water speeds up the slower moving glaciers, Greenland’s ice sheet might melt even more quickly. These recent observations of rapid change occurred both in Greenland and Antarctica.

Additional Sources:

Submitted by: Rebecca

m.w.d said...

Title: Static Electricity and a Balloon
Author: Kables (Username)
Date of Article: April 18, 2008
Source: (Not the best)

For this experiment you will need a balloon, static electricity, and you.
How does rubbing a balloon on your hair cause static electricity?
Well actually when this rubbing takes place the balloon becomes positively charged and the hair becomes negatively charged. Still how is it sticking right?
Well when negative charges (electrons) (-), which is the hair, meets the positive charges (Protons) (+), the balloon, they attract. The reasoning behind this is when a negatively charged object (more electrons than protons) meets a positively charged object (more protons than electrons) they attract each other.
For that reason when you rub a balloon on your hair the protons and the electrons mix ending up with the balloon having more protons than electrons and your hair having more electrons than protons. When this happens static electricity is created. In the end your hair will be attracted to the balloon.
-Sonja m.w.d ( old account)
( but forgot password on new one)


TentativeReader said...

Article: Laser Challenge
Date: 2008

Everybody has seen and heard about lasers, but what are they? How are they different from other light?
Light is made of photons, and these photons travel in waves. The different wavelengths are different colours. Most light, is made of many colours put together… For example, White light is made of all visible colours put together. Most light has colours we can’t even see, for example the sun emits all visible light and also x and gamma light, and to the lower side of the spectrum infra red, micro and radio waves. Lasers are all one colour. They can be red, as they are most commonly seen, but can also be made of most other colours.
Common light waves also interlope, Laser waves are all the same.
Lastly, laser light rays are all parallel. Flashlights are spread; lasers all go the same way. A good laser is one 1cm wide a meter away and 1cm wide 1 Km away.
Diagrams for these traits can be seen here.
A laser uses lot’s of power, but only because it’s very inefficient. Most of the power turns to heat. A laser that emits the amount of light emitted from a 100w light bulb would be a very, very powerful one, and would consume 100 times more, but it would look really bright. It would probably be seen from space.

Other sources:


Unknown said...

Title: Diamond Glow
Author: Emily Sohn
Date: January 16, 2008

The article Diamond Glow lets its readers know about being able to identify if there diamonds are real or fake. You can identify if they are real or fake is the blue diamond glows in the dark. If you have a fake blue diamond it will not glow in the dark unlike the blue diamond. The blue diamonds glow in the dark because they will absorb high energy light which after they will glow in the dark for several seconds. This is new finding because scientists have not paid a lot of attention to these diamonds even though they are extremely beautiful.

My computer does not let me identify links I can only search for articles on Google and it does not let me identify where my article is from but I found it at - 69k - - 35k –

I found these on Google then read the articles then took the link from Google

Glynnis Eyford

Unknown said...

Title: Secondhand Smoke Exposure Can Cause Cell Damage In 30 Minutes
Author: ScienceDaily
Date: May 2, 2008

A recent study showed that even 30 minutes of smoke someone might inhale in a bar setting, could result in blood vessel injury in lifelong nonsmokers. In the study, subjects were exposed to 30 minutes of smoke at the amount you'd find in a bar where smoking was allowed. The study showed that these effects remained in the body for at least 24 hours after the exposure.

Other Sources:


Unknown said...

ENVIRONMENT: China - New Promoter of Mega Dams
By Antoaneta Bezlova
This article speaks of China's new involvement in developing Dams in Africa and the new dam they will build in China. This Dam will be a towering 185 meters high, crossing Asia's longest river. The project is expected to be completed by the year 2009. This Dam is supposedly a step forward in making China a more environmentally friendly country with fewer greenhouse gas emissions. The dam will have an estimated power output of 50 Nuclear power plants with little to no greenhouse gas or pollution. When built this dam will be a 100% profitable source of energy and is very environmentally friendly. If successful China will use this energy source to their advantage, they will export energy to other countries and prevent the Yangtze River from flooding. Although China claims this Dam will help their environment and Country some people beg to differ. This dam is being built in an area that has fertile farmland, ancient artifacts and many endangered species. Since the construction of this dam 50,000 people have had to relocate from their homes and many animals have died. This dam is estimated to cost over 1 billion dollars. Officials are debating whether or not this project will be a success within Chinas economy and our environment. Although it will lower greenhouse gas emissions, prevent the river from flooding and lower the use of Nuclear energy. It is strongly and negatively affecting Chinas people.
Mike Talbot

Anaita said...

Shabonah Abdul Basir Title: Global warming
Date: December 4 2006
Author: Jerome Douglas

This article is about global warming in India. The amount of rainy season in India has increased in the last 50 years, and for some the rainy season can be seen as either a huge advantage or an equally large disadvantage. The average rainfall amount has not increased; the number of heavier rainy season has increased since the 1950s. Researchers have recently discovered a trend within annual rainy season measurements towards fewer, more extreme rainfall and this raises the worry of more potential floods and other natural disasters. Rainy season are needed to nourish crops and supply water for farming communities, but too much of the rainy season rains can devastate crops and livestock as well. Researchers indicated that there was a wide range of rainfall during that period, as expected. The amounts ranged from a maximum rainfall of nearly 23 inches in one day to no precipitation at all. The average according to researchers was just under a quarter inch for a single day. After determining the actual rainfall amounts, the researchers divided storms into several categories ranging from light to very heavy. When they looked at the last few decades of the 20th century, lighter –rainfall events declined significantly while heavier counterparts increased. Researcher noted that “Heavy and very heavy rain events over central India have increased significantly since the 1950s.”As the weak and moderate events decrease, their contribution to the mean decreased while the increasing number of heavy and very heavy events make an increasing contribution to the mean… these two opposing contribution roughly balance each other and keep the mean unchanged. The average, although remaining unchanged—still does not preclude that area from the potential for extreme heavy rainfall and flooding, which can end up being catastrophic. The researcher team stated that this fact is an important and increasing risk going forward.

Shabonah Abdul Basir

Unknown said...

Awareness article #2
May 27, 2008

Soldier On program helps CF members with disabilities catch some air

The Department of National Defence is working with the Canadian Paralympic Committee on a program called "Soldier On" to help members of the military who have been permanently injured in action or on the job to use sports to recover. The soldiers on program wants to raise the awareness of all the people who were wounded in war and lost limbs to save our lives. They need to be active like they were before the injuries had happened. The program helps raise money for those missing limbs and can help pay for there prosthesis and get them out in the world having fun. There’s hope that the people involved in this program will compete in Canada’s paralimics in 2010. The aim of "Soldier On" is to help the disabled military veterans with their rehabilitation and adjust to their new disability, but it also helps speed the rehabilitation process and allows disabled soldiers to interact with their peers and it shows them that they still have the ability to achieve things, even after they've undergone an amputation, a spinal-cord injury, or any other injury.

To learn more about the "Soldier On" program, tune in to TSN this Sunday for, "Bell Spirit of the Game" at 11 a.m., when host Brian Williams takes a closer look at the new initiative.

Unknown said...

Title: Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus)
Date: Unknown
Author: Unknown

Although the gharial is the second longest of all living crocodilians and can weigh over a ton, the gharial (or gavial) is no danger to humans. It is a carnivore and doesn’t eat anything other than fish. The croc's very long and narrow snout is specially adapted for catching small fish and its body is lightweight and hydrodynamic.
It lives in calmer stretches of deep, fast-moving rivers in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar.
Gharials, which nearly went extinct by the 1970s and now survive primarily in protected areas and through captive breeding programs, are social animals.

Additional Sources:

By: Stephanie.W

Unknown said...

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation. Human activity since the industrial revolution has increased the projection of various greenhouse gases, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide.

RauL said...

title: adverse effects due to global warming
date: unknown
author: unkown

it was the warmest years due to global warming past 9 years. the last 30 years in particular have seen numerous droughts. global warming is seen in destructive wildfires.the number of times it rains in a year has increased during the last 50 years due to global. global warming is causing storms stronger. storms which would have been ordinary thunderstorms in the past are morphing into raging tempests. because of global warming, hurricanes have been rated higher in recent years. when ice melts in polar regions, the ocean dioxide emissions. In the united states, the figure is about 38% since carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouses gases, houses contribute strongly to globalwarming. Wood can be used from an older home that has been torn down. this will prevent the need to cut down other trees. stop cutting off the tree can prevent global warming.
there are several organizations in the US that aid in the cause of stopping global warming by encouraging green building. global warming can also affect the incidence of tropical disease. mosquitos have been found in the place that were once too cold for them. people should worry about global warming and try tp prevent it.

SeanScollinWard said...

Title: Mutations are Random
Author: Evolution 101 (unknown author)
Article Date: Unknown
Second Source/Link:,2,Lederberg & Lederberg (1952)

Factors emerging from the environment are thought to trigger mutation in certain species, but are not thought to direct the mutation. If head lice were to be exposed to a certain shampoo that is supposed to eliminate them, eventually mutation would occur and the lice would become more resistant to the chemical that kills them, this would happen more frequently to more lice the more the chemical is used, the resistance would cause further mutation until, In theory the subject is so resistant to the chemical it becomes almost immune to it. Although the main theory in mutation is that it is all random and doesn’t occur when it is only beneficial for the subject to become resistant to the product or chemical.

By: Sean Scollin-Ward

dante said...

Title – Adidas Teamgeist II intelligent soccer balls helps refs make the right call

Author – Travis Hudson

Date of article – 12/14/07

Source -
World’s largest sport is soccer is obviously true. If you watch the soccer game, sometimes referee’s misjudge make angry. In addition, because of that if someone lose, they will be feel unfair. So Sport maker Adidas make intelligent ball to prevent this situation. Cairos Technologies to develop a soccer ball capable of making snap judgment calls on whether a ball pass the goal line or not. So during south Africa world cup we can watch soccer with accurate judge.

Additional Sources -
(short one)

Submitted by - Dante

Unknown said...

Article Summary #4
Title: Genetic Risk Assessment
Article Source: Breeder’s Notebook
Article Date: April 2008
Summary Date: March 13, 2008
This article talks about different and healthier ways of breeding. Many years ago, the breeders believed that affected dogs could not be bred because of the possibility of passing down the genetic risk. Now, veterinarians and breeders say that instead of removing the dog with recessive genes from breeding, it is better to pair them with dogs that do not have any traces or history for the disease. It is important for breeders to test all of the breeding animals and making decisions based on the disorders characteristics.

Unknown said...

Title; A Lead Balloon
Date; June 18th
Source; Mythbusters

The Mythbusters based a myth off the saying “Drop like a lead balloon”, and to do this, they decided to make a large lead balloon fly. To get the experiment to work, they took sheets of lead that were paper thin and taped them together. Delicately, they started filling the balloon with helium and managed to inflate it all up. The lead balloon lifted off the ground and started to float away.