Calendar for Mr. Woodhall's Classes

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

G.10 Science: Awareness Article #3

Awareness Articles #3 is due March 24th, 2008. To check format click on the following link
Awareness Article Format .


Gord Woodhall said...

Article summary #3
Title: Astronomers Capture Rare Video of Meteor Falling To Earth; Hunt for Meteorite
Article source: Science
Article Date: Wednesday evening (March 5) at 10:59 p.m.
Summary Date: March 10,2008
Two additional sources:

The Physics and Astronomy Department at Western has a network of all-sky cameras in Southern Ontario that scan the sky monitoring for meteors. Associate Professor Peter Brown, who specializes in the study of meteors and meteorites, says that Wednesday evening (March 5) at 10:59 p.m. EST these cameras captured video of a large fireball and the department has also received a number of calls and emails from people who actually saw the light.
Brown along with Wayne Edwards, a post doctorate student, hope to enlist the help of local residents in recovering one or more possible meteorites that may have crashed in the Parry Sound area of Ontario, Canada.
"Most meteoroids burn up by the time they hit an altitude of 60 or 70 kilometers from Earth," says Edwards. "We tracked this one to an altitude of about 24 kilometers so we are pretty sure there are at least one, and possibly many meteorites, that made it to the ground."
Edwards says the lab can narrow the ground location where the meteorite would have fallen, to about 12 square kilometers and have created a map that may assist in locating the meteorite. The rock, or rocks, would probably weigh a kilogram or slightly more.
"We would love to find a recovered meteorite on this one, because we have the video and we have the data and by putting that together with the meteorite, there is a lot to be learned."
Video of meteor falling can be seen at:
Adapted from materials provided by University of Western Ontario

Submitted by: Farkhondah

Unknown said...

Title- Winter Snow Facts and Records
Author- Aurae Beidler
Date- Nov.1, 2007

This article dicusses snowflakes and how they are formed. Water vapour in the air condenses onto dirt particles and then changes to ice crystals. They start to build up, and eventually develop six arms. These ice crystals join together to make snowflakes which fall to the ground because they are heavier than before. Some different types of snowflake structures are columns, needles, and plates. People used to think that all snowflakes are unique, but a snowflake photographer has found two that are the exact same. Maybe he just looked at the same one twice.


dante said...

Title – cheese camera Sony dsc-t70

Author – yahoo tech

Date of article – Tuesday, october, 16, 2007

Source -

This camera is seemed to be normal. However this camera has special ability. That ability called ‘smile shutter’. This camera catches your face when you try to take a shot, and if you push the button, this camera doesn’t take a shot until you are smile. When you try to angry or ordinary or something, the camera doesn’t take a shot. This cheese camera made by Sony, have 8.1 mega pixels, Optical zoom: 3 x, 3inch LCD, and touch screen.

Additional Sources - (review) review)

Submitted by - Dante

hyegee said...

Article summary #3
Title: Why do birds sing? It's all in the brain
Article Date: March 19, 2008Source:

Japanese and British researchers found out the reason why birds start singing in spring. They scanned 38,000 genes present in brain of quails, and found out certain genes switched on and began releasing a thyroid-stimulating hormone when they are exposed to light for longer periods. This hormone makes birds to find their mating partners, which they do by singing. Researchers did know that seasonal change affects the certain areas of brain. However, it is the first time to know what exact mechanism is involved. This finding could one day will lead to better treatments for infertility because humans have the same cells in the same part of the brain.

Two additional sources:


Elizabeth Wood said...

Title: Don’t Eat That Sandwich!
Author: Jennifer Cutraro
Date of Article: May 23, 2007

The article “Don’t Eat That Sandwich” is about the possible outcomes of eating something that fell on the ground or cooking on a surface that hasn’t been cleaned well. Many people in our world follow the five second rule (including myself; sometimes I even have a ten second rule) but five seconds is too long. Scientists from Clemson University in South Carolina experimented with the five second rule. They used a piece of bread and a slice of bologna. After five seconds, they said that they both held enough bacteria to make you sick. The most common type of bacteria we find on our food is called Salmonella. It makes 1.4 million people sick each year! So the next time food falls to the ground don’t just pop it back in your mouth.

Additional Sources:

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wood

Unknown said...

Title: ‘Parabolic’ antlers help moose hear female sweet nothings
Author: Randy Boswell
Date of article: March 21, 2008

It was before thought that moose’s excellent hearing comes from their large, oddly shaped, and flexible ears. Canadian scientists have found that moose’s antlers act as “a parabolic reflector of sounds.” The scientists tested this by sending audio signals towards artificial ears. Reception improved by twenty percent after sending these signals at antlers. Also, female moose have very strong vocals so this is an advantage when it comes to mating.

Additional Sources:

Submitted by: Heather Maxted

Unknown said...

Introduction to what sound is

Sound is a series of “waves” produced by air, water, or gas molecules colliding with each other then the one that just hit the other molecule recovers, while the just hit molecule goes and collides with the next molecule and so one and so fourth. The molecules collide at different rates; these rates are mastered in hurts (Hz), through dry air is about 331 meters per second. These waves travel through the air and are picked up by the human organ called the ear. A small bone in the ear translates the colliding molecules with the bone into what is none as sound. Something must register the frequency (waves) in order for it to be called a sound other wise it is just a frequency and not a sound. That being the answer to the puzzling tree falling in the forest question (sorry). definition Main article

Unknown said...

Title: For a Prize Bull, Next Big Test Is in Genetics Lab
Author: Victoria Burnett
Date: March 24, 2008

The article For a Prize Bull, Next Big Test In Genetics Lab is about how a bull trainer in Spain Victoriano del Río has decided to clone his prized bull Alcalde. Alcalde is a 16 year old bull whom is very fierce and has caused some challenge to some of the top bullfighters in Spain. The trainer Mr. Del Rio’s family had been training bulls for many years, he is a fifth generation. He also has decided to use the company ViaGen which is company that is based from Texas. Mr. Del Rio is aware that the operation of cloning all the bulls many fail but he is willing to take the chance in hopes of it won’t.


Glynnis Eyford

Unknown said...

Title: Odour diverts Air Canada jet to Calgary
Author: Joel Kom
Date of article: March 24, 2008

After complaints of a foul smell from both the passengers and crew, an Air Canada jet made a detour to Calgary to check things out. The 270 passengers from Vancouver on their way to Toronto had an unsuspected six hour lay-over while they waited for another plane that could take them to their desired destination. The smell was first noticed by a crew member, and it seemed to be coming from the kitchen area in the front. Although some of the passengers said they couldn't smell anything, the pilot made the choice to land at the nearest major airport for an inspection anyways. It was merely a "precautionary measure". Noone on board the aircraft suffered any health problems, but Air Canada staff have yet to determine the cause of the odour. This is the second plane in five days that has landed early due to a smell. Last Tuesday, an Air Canada flight carrying 291 people landed in Calgary after the pilot detected an electrical smell. Both planes were similar types of aircrafts, and experts say that they are extremely reliable.

Additional sources:

Submitted by: Sarah Howes

Shenaz A. said...

Title: Diet Coke + Mentos
Producer: Zorro103
Date: June 14, 2006

The diet Coke and Mentos experiment is done with a 2 liter of diet coke and about 4 Mentos. What happens is when the candy is dropped into the diet soda it makes the soda burst from the mouth of the bottle. This happens because of the rapid expanding of carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface of the candy. You have to have the mint Mentos for it to work because the non-mint ones have a glaze on it while the mint ones have a matte finish (its better for the gas to escape through).

Additional sources:,0,4325641.story


Unknown said...

Source :
Addtional source :

Title: Ready, Set, Supernova
Date: March 19 2008
Authour: Emily Sohn

For the first time, scientists caught a star in supernova that is one of the stellar explosion type and happens when a hueg star (at least eight times as big as our sun) runs out of fuel. With X ray telescope, they found that the star was releasing a lot of energy and most of them were X ray energe. When they found th star send out large amounts of visible light after 7 minute of releasing X rays, they could confirmed that the supernova had indeed occured. For decades, scientists only predicted that supernovas would send off X rays right before exploding, Now they finally got the evidence that they were right.

Kayla Lee

Unknown said...

Title: Tall Tales: Giant Squid
Author: Hayley Birch
Date of article: 11 Mar 2008

The article Giant Squid takes a look at the possibility of a squid larger than the already huge, giant and colossal squid.

One of the largest giant squids caught was Archie, an 8.6 metre giant squid, on display now at the Natural History Museum. In New Zealand they captured a 10 metre long squid said to have "eyes as wide and dinner plates". It took two hours to get the 450kg squid aboard the fishing boat.

But scientists believe that even larger squids exist. But with the effects of global warming, the chances of catching one of the monstrous myths, is growing slimmer by the day.

Squids are very intelligent species, and they are extremely strong. Scott Cassell held on to a 7ft squid for 5 seconds until it bit through his body armour, which caused his arm to bleed. But don't worry Scott said, "I love my job!" Which I wouldn't be able to say since squids creep me out.

Additional Sources:

Archie the Squid

Video on a large squid estimated at 60 ft in length, 10x bigger than the largest known Humboldt squid.


Unknown said...

Title: US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun
Producer: News Service
Author: David Hambling
Date of Article: 21 March, 2008

US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun discusses the report released by the US Department of Defense about newly developed and theoretical non-lethal weapons and their biological effects. These devices use microwaves, lasers and sound to incapacitate their target(s), useful for crowd control. Conceptual devices include an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) weapon that would cause the target to have the equivalent of an epileptic seizure, and a microwave device capable of causing feverish conditions in the target by increasing their temperature. A microwave gun that “beams” words into people’s heads has been tested and works off the “Frey Effect.” Less advanced technology such as laser dazzlers and sounds loud enough to disrupt one’s balance have already seen use by various civilians and militaries. There are controversies surrounding these new non-lethal weapons, concerns that they could cause unforeseen permanent internal damage, and could be considered torturous. For example, devices that interfere with the human brain like the seizure weapon could result in continuing seizures after its use.

Additional Sources:

Submitted By: Andrew

Unknown said...

Title: Babies Can Learn Words as Early as 10 Months
Author: David Biello
Date of Article: March 22, 2006

10 month olds infants can link words and objects, but only if the object is already interesting to them. Psychologist Kathy Hirsh-Pasek of Temple University and her colleagues tested 44 infants for the ability to learn words. They put the two objects on a table in front of the infants. The infants, who can link words and objects labelled it with the same nonsense word when the researcher pointed to the boring object. When showed a new nonsense word to infants, they look away from the interesting object and search for a new one then the researchers returned to the original word and returned to looking at the original object. This study shows children can learn words faster when parents look at and name objects the infants already find interesting, it is lead author of the study to appear in the journal Child Development.

Additional Sources:

Submitted by: Rebecca

Unknown said...

Title-Electric Aptera plans to go far
author- Mark Maynard

This article speaks of a very unique out of space looking hybrid car. It has a 120 mile driving range on strictly electricity. And can almost reach speeds of 90 mph. This two seated three wheeled automobile is made of lightweight and durable materials that weigh a total of 1500lbs or less. Many people are awaiting the arrival of the hybrid version of this car that uses a one cylinder generator as an engine and will get up to 300 miles per gallon and will have a range of 600 miles. If these cars meet up to the standard that they claim, our enviorment will hopefully have lower emissions and people will use less gas. If people do not want this car maybe the company can change the designs of the car but keep the engine the same . If those changes occur more people would likely buy this car.


Unknown said...

Title- Fly's Tiny Brain May Hold Huge Human Benefits
Author- Science Daily
Date- Mar. 24, 2008.

Recent study with Drosophila (fruit flies) has suggested that their brains may be more complex than we previously thought. Experiments showed that by changing levels of certain compounds associated with the "circuitry" of the brain, genes related to memory can be isolated and tested. The benefits of further studies could help human patients with Parkinson's disease, and could eventually treat depression.

Additional sources:


m.w.d said...

Article: Number 3
Title: Sticking a Balloon to a Wall
Article Source:
Article Date: September 26, 2006
Summery Date: March 20, 2008
Two additional sources:

This experiment shows why negative and positive charges are so important. A balloon, a piece of wool and a wall are all needed for this experiment. First blow up the balloon, next quickly rub your wool against it, then place the balloon against the wall. What Happens? It sticks! When a balloon first tries to stick on the wall without getting rubbed you will notice that it will not stay. The reason for this is because the wall is a positive charge, and the non rubbed balloon is a neutral (which means it contains both negative and positive charges) For this reason it wont stick because two positive charges do not attract. After rubbing the balloon with the wool, it gains a negative charge. These negative charges are attracted to the positive charges that are in the wall. That’s why the balloon sticks to the wall.


TentativeReader said...

Title: What is Radar and How Does it Work?
Author: IEEE Virtual museum
Date: 2008

You probably all know what a radar is, but how does it work? How does it magically know that there is something in the air miles away?
The basic concept for how it works is really quite simple… The radar sends an electromagnetic pulse and waits to see if there is a reflection. They work the same way a bat hears.

Now, you sent a wave of energy, and you get a reflection. How do you know where it came from, and how far it is? Well, radars have a bowl-like shape that points to only one place, so when they get a reflection from that place, they know the general direction. The distance is just a matter of timing. The longer it takes for the reflection, or the ‘echo’ to get back, the farther it is. Once they have a time, they do the math, and bingo, you got a distance.

Other sites: (just another site) (quick reference) (most complete)


Laura Loconte said...

Title: Unlocking the Psychology of Snakes and Spiders Phobias.
Article source: -
Article Date: March 24, 2008

A lot of us are afraid - have a phobia - of snakes and/or spiders. Scientists have discovered that some people find them more scary than cars and guns - which are way more dangerous. Some have believed that our ancestors had scared our ancestors and have had a negative look on them since. Most of the time as well right now, they are all looked negatively. Researchers are wanting to do a further study on this. They are going to question people who both own and do not own animals and get to know how it can affect a snake or spider phobia. Dr. Purkis is doing all this with his group of researchers.
Who knows? Maybe if they are successful, we will overcome our phobias!

Two additional sources:

Ophidiophobia - Snake Phobia:

Arachnophobia - Spider Phobia:


Unknown said...

Title: Stunning Gamma Ray Burst Explosion Detected Halfway Across Universe
Author: Material provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
Date: March 21st, 2008

This article is about the huge gamma ray explosion, that was the biggest ever seen. Most gamma ray explosions happen when stars run out of nuclear fuel; they form black holes or neutron stars that release huge amounts of energy gamma rays. Gamma ray explosions are the most luminous since the big bang. This huge explosion happened on March 19th 2008, at 2:12 am. It could have been seen across the universe. The burst was named GRB 080319B. It was said to be the most luminous object ever seen to the human eye, without any objects like telescopes, etc.

Other Sources:

Submitted by: Ellen

Unknown said...

Title: The Man Behind the Hockey Stick
Author:Michael Mann
Date of article: April 18, 2005

"The Man Behind the Hockey Stick" refers to global warming, and the widley known 'Hockey Stick' graph. The 'Hockey Stick' is a very well known graph, representiing the impact humans have had on our earth , and the rapid rise in temperature over the past 100 years. Michael Mann wanted people to get informed about global warming, so he strated blogging, hoping people would read it, and learn about global warming and what they can do to help. I think this is an intresting article about global warming because the graph shows what a rapid increase the temperature has risen, and i also like how Michael Mann used blogging and the internet to get his ideas out to the world.

Two additional sources:


Anaita said...

Article summary #3
Title: Warmest Year on Record
Date of article: Feb. 8, 2004
Author: James Hansen
Source: Perkins, Sid. 2004 2005 was warmest year on record. Science News 169(Feb. 4):78. Available an
You've probably heard about global warming—the heating up of Earth's atmosphere due to the buildup of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. New analyses show just how warm the world is getting. Last year's average temperature in large portions of the Northern Hemisphere was more than 1.5°C above normal (red and dark red areas). The year 2005 was the hottest ever recorded since scientists began keeping track of the numbers in the late 1800s. The average temperature around the globe last year was 14.6°C (58.3°F), say scientists from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. This represents a 0.6°C rise in the last 30 years and a 0.8°C rise in the last 100 years. The warming trend doesn't prove that global warming is happening, or that pollution and the burning of oil and coal are to blame, but it matches predictions from computer climate models that support both theories. Remarkably, five of the last eight years make up the list of the five warmest years of the past century, says James Hansen, GISS director. The second warmest year on record was in 1998, but there was also an El Niño event that year. The higher-than-average temperatures in parts of the Pacific Ocean during an El Niño usually boost the global average temperature. There was no El Niño to blame for the heat wave of 2005. The year 2005 was the warmest worldwide since the late 1800s. The years 1998, 2002, 2003, and 2004 followed as the next four warmest years. The most extreme temperature changes in the last 50 years have happened in places that have the coldest weather, including Alaska, Siberia, Scandinavia, Antarctica, and Canada. Last year, many places in Russia were at least 1.5°C warmer than they were between 1951 and 1980.—E. Sohn.
By: Shabonah A.B

soonah said...

Title: Massive ice shelf on verge of breakup
Author: Marsha Walton

This article is about a large chunk of the Wilkins ice shelf in Antarctica broke away. This happen occurred last month and Antarctic Survey said that he didn't expect to see things happen this quickly. The temperature of the western Antarctic Penninsula rose by 0.5 degree Celsius per decade. It seem not very much changed, however, this area is the biggest temperature increase on Earth since over the 50 years. And the speed of an Ice break is getting faster. Scientists say the rest of the ice shelf is hanging on by a thin beam of ice and is also in danger of collapsing. If the global warming is continue, sea level will rise and changes in climate patterns. Also it could destroy an ecosystem. . We really need to paying attention to the Earth state and ready to figure out the protect of global warming.

Additional Sources :

Submitted by: Soonah
Wed March 26, 2008

mymystic manfriend said...

Title: Computerized Toothbrush Makes Oral Hygiene a Game
Movie Camera
Author: Colin Barras
Date of Article: 17:45 04 April 2008

Hey! Remember the time when we were little and found it a challenging and hard task just to brush our teeth? Well thanks to Hao-hua Chu and his team at the National Taiwan University, they have come up with a novel solution using a "learning through play" approach, to beat ever en cumbersome task of getting kids to brush their teeth. Using a tooth brush equipped with a sensor at one end and a camera placed above the child's head, the brush is tracked by the camera and the results are shown on a heads up display. While the child brushes they can look at a screen and it will display an animated dentist and a cartoon set of teeth showing the areas that have been brushed and those that still need some work . With this innovative technology (which is still in its preliminary stages) parents can stop worrying about whether or not their child is brushing their teeth properly.

Additional Sources:

Submitted By: Charlie
March 31, 2008

Unknown said...

Title: Lakes and Rivers Take Time to Recover from Acid Rain.
Author: Steve Kahl
Date of Article: 6:35a.m. 10 April 2008

Read this evening in a science daily article that lakes and rivers in Maine, and other places in eastern North America are taking way more time to recover than expected. Acid rain in these areas is destroying wildlife and national parks. This is not the only problem, but it continues to rise over the years. It pollutes the animals, plant life and other things in our outdoors. Scientists figure this damage done to the environment will take years to recover. People have to get their act together and stop the pollution so this does not continue.

Submitted By: Adam R
April 10th, 2008

m.w.d said...

Article: Number 3
Title: Sticking a Balloon to a Wall
Article Source:
Article Date: September 26, 2006
Summery Date: March 20, 2008
Two additional sources:

This experiment shows why negative and positive charges are so important. A balloon, a piece of wool and a wall are all needed for this experiment. First blow up the balloon, next quickly rub your wool against it, then place the balloon against the wall. What Happens? It sticks! When a balloon first tries to stick on the wall without getting rubbed you will notice that it will not stay. The reason for this is because the wall is a positive charge, and the non rubbed balloon is a neutral (which means it contains both negative and positive charges) For this reason it wont stick because two positive charges do not attract. After rubbing the balloon with the wool, it gains a negative charge. These negative charges are attracted to the positive charges that are in the wall. That’s why the balloon sticks to the wall.


- old account won't work because i forgot the password.. so m.w.d is my old one

Darren H said...

Title: Uncertain link between Great Lakes pollution, health risk: report
Author: Associated Press (no author)
Date of Article: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 | 9:40 AM ET

Until recently there was a large study on whether or not the Great Lakes are causing pollution. The study showed that there has been a steady increase in health problems over the last five years. In total the study did not come to a concrete conclusion. There was just simply not enough information. Although, heath hazards have been known to occur near polluted lakes. Such as, elevated levels of cancer, premature births and other health concerns in counties where some heavily tainted sites are located. But people are still skeptical on whether or not this is a serious threat. The article says that it all depends on the extent of the exposure to the toxins. The pollution is most commonly caused by discharge of toxins into streams which flow into the great lakes.

Additional Sources:

Submitted By: Darren Hall

Unknown said...

Awareness article #3
By: Tiffany Wall

Angelman syndrome, most people don’t recognize it, or there afraid to ask questions about disabilities, but there are people who care throughout the world about these kind of things. An example of people who care, is the Angelman syndrome foundation in New York. See some people don’t believe in angels, but I think in every person who ahs angelman syndrome Is an angel who lives among us on earth. A description of a person with angelman syndrome is a small head, wide teeth, seizures, developmental delays, and jerky movements and others.
people like this are kind like everyone else and make great familie members

Unknown said...

Title: Stupid flies live longer: study
Date: Wed Jun 4, 8:21 AM
Author: Unknown

Scientists Tadeusz Kawecki and Joep Burger at the University of Lausanne said Wednesday they had discovered that stupid flies live longer than smart flies.
One half( the stupid flies) were left in a natural state while the other had its intelligence boosted by Pavlovian methods, such as associating smell and taste with particular food or experiences.
"In other terms, the more the fly becomes intelligent, the shorter its lifespan," the scientists said.
This is most probably because the increase in neural activity weakens the fly's life-support systems, they speculated.

Additional Sources:

Unknown said...


A tsunami is a series of waves created by a body of water being displaced by an earthquake or mass movements above or below the water.
A tsunami cannot be prevented or precisely predicted, but there are some warning signs of an impending tsunami, and there are many systems being developed and in use to reduce the damage from tsunami. In instances where the leading edge of the tsunami wave is its trough, the sea will recede from the coast half of the wave's period before the wave's arrival. If the slope of the coastal seabed is shallow, this recession can exceed many hundreds of meters. People unaware of the danger may remain at the shore due to curiosity, or for collecting fish from the exposed seabed.

RauL said...

title: U.S tsunami preparedness: federal and state partners collaborate to help comminities reduce potential impacts, but significant challenges remain
publishers date: 6/5/2006

The 2004 Indian made problem about U.S. preparedeness for an event. NOAA lead U.S. detection and warming efforts and partners with federal state agencies in the national tsunami hazard mitigation program tsunami. in 2005, $17.24 million in supplemental funding to increase these efforts. NOAA had said that the pacific coast states of alaska, california sea and local emergency managers had concerned about false alarms-the 16 warnings issued on 1982 were not followed by destructive tsunamis on U.S shores possibly causing citizens to ignore future warnings.

SeanScollinWard said...

Title: Medical Marijuana for Pain and Depression
Author: Disabled World (unknown author)
Article Date: February 28th, 2008
Second Link/Source:

The substance known as Marijuana, or more formally knows as Cannabis, has been used as medicine for about 4000 years, Ancient Indian doctors used Cannabis to help with a long list of various different illnesses and diseases, ranging from headaches to Insomnia. Some of the main problems Medical Marijuana can be used for today are pretty common and you would likely be surprised at some of them, some examples of these are AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, many types of cancer, Chronic pain, and can be quite helpful in treating depression and anxiety. Probably the most baffling concept of this treatment is the fact that it can lend aid to those suffering from cancer, the chemical found in Marijuana knows as THC has been used to slow down the effects of cancer and is used to help patients cope with the side effects of the medication used to treat people with cancer.

By: Sean Scollin-Ward

Unknown said...

China earthquake threatens future of the Qiang
By Mark Magnier and Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
May 21, 2008

This article speaks of the massive earthqauke that had swept one whole twon in China. This earthqauke had a magnitude of 7.9. Meaning it is a very stong and dangerous storm. As I read this I wondered if maybe, just maybe this might have to do with global warming. I thought maybe if we as humans would have taken care of our Earth better, not over used and overconsumed maybe we wouldnt have been face to face with problems like this and Hurrican Katrina.

Unknown said...

Greenhouse effect
Our atmosphere is capturing and holding on to gasses that is turning our earth into a giant oven. Gases like methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and ozone are getting trapped in our atmosphere and creating this affect. High speed computers study this and trying to study how humans are causing this process. Ore earths surface temperature may rise 2.5 to 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unknown said...

Title; Elephants Are Afraid of Mice
Date; June 18th 2008
Source; Mythbusters

When the Mythbusters wanted to prove if elephants were afraid of mice, they thought that it was going to be pretty simple, and were sure they knew what was going to happen before they even started the experiment. But when they went to Africa and try out the experiment, they were in for a rather surprising outcome. When they put the mouse in front of a walking elephant, the elephant backed off and walked around. They tried it again, without the mouse to see if it was just the movement of the container, but when the movement didn’t phase the large creature, they tried it with the mouse again. A second time, the elephant backed off, and went around the small white mouse. Therefore proving that the myth is true - elephants are afraid of mice.