Title: Recycling Author: doesn’t have Date: doesn’t have Source: search.ebscohost.com
I read an article about recycling. It is kind of surprising that we throw away four pounds of trash each day. Instead of throwing things away into landfills we need to make an effort to save things and then arrange to give them to someone that can reuse or recycle them. It says recycling starts with you. Recycling helps the environment. It saves air, water and soil pollution.
Title-Goldfish Three Second Memory Myth Busted Author-Anna Hipsley Date-February 19, 2008 Source-http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/02/19/2166204.htm
This article talks about an Australian boy's science project, which shows that goldfish are actually smarter than we think. This was shown by feeding the fish with a red lego block put in as well. After a week of leaving the fish alone, they still swam around looking for food when the lego block was put in by itself. I have observed this is true as my past goldfish always started swimming crazy when they saw me pull out the orange food container. It's amazing how much can actually fit into a mind so tiny.
Title: Speaker Allows Deaf To Feel Music Author: BBC NEWS Date: Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/4377428.stm
This article was about a new device in development called the Vibrato. It is being created to allow deaf people to "hear" music through five finger pads attached to the Vibrato speaker. This device is being created by Shane Kerwin, a design gradute from Brunel University. Although he is in the process of creating this device, he was not the first to think of the idea. The idea of hearing music through vibrations can date all the way back to 1818, with Beethoven. Beethoven went deaf but continued to compose music for another decade. He was able to do this by cutting the legs off his piano and laying it on the ground, so as he played he could feel the vibrations through the floor. This is a promising device that could allow all children to join in with their music classes, and enjoy the musical education.
Title: New guide outlines the most vital vitamins you may need author:Sheri Levine Date: September 7, 2007 Source: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/subscriber/ health/story/4035107p-4644802c.html
In this article, it introduces vitamins that are most needed in our bodies. Some of them can be easily fulfilled by food, but some of them are needed to take as pills. They are vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, and potassium. Vitamin D can be easily lacked in winter time, so we need to take food or pills. In case of Vitamin E, food is the best source otherwise you check with doctor whether you can take supplements or not. Calcium is one of the most important vitamins and milk products are the best way to get calcium. But too much calcium could cause some diseases such as kidney stones. To get potassium, taking foods is a great way, but taking pills might be harmful. Among those foods, bananas are most excellent one. In conclusion, with being careful about taking supplements, we should get all necessary vitamins for our body system. However, consuming too much of vitamins at once could be harmful or useless.
Title: Money Minded: How to Psychoanalyze the Stock Market Author: Robert Armstrong and Jacob Ward Date: 02.19.2008 Source: http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2008-02/money-minded-how-psychoanalyze-stock-market
The main idea of this article is the ability to predict what a person will do on the stock market based on their emotions. For example if they are afraid they will probably sell. The article discusess a man named Richard Peterson who is using his psychiatric experience to build software which will analyze investor behaviour. What Peterson determined was that the major population shares the same normal human instincts. He calls it a new science called neuroinvesting. Another example is after markets reopened after September 11, 2001, insurance stocks plummeted as investors sold them in a panic. Since the 1980s, psychologists, have been trying to understand the human behaviour which is attached to financial markets. Peterson may just become a very rich man.
Title: Cloned Animals Safe to Eat, Says FDA Author: Lauran Neergaard Date: January 15, 2008 Source: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/01/15/cloned-animals.html
This article is about cloned animals, and if they are safe to eat. In fact meat and milk from cloned animals is just as safe to eat as that from old fashion bred animals. Although they are safe to eat, it will be awhile before you will see them in the stores. They are a lot more expensive then regular animals and the technology has not been perfected.
Title: February's Red Moon (Lunar Eclipse) Author: Royal Astronomical Society Date of Article: February 14, 2008 Source:http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/02/080211133105.htm
Anyone saw the red moon on February 21 experienced a lunar eclipse. Lots of people have heard of an eclipse although the most common is the solar one, not the lunar. The lunar eclipse occurs by the Earth, Sun and Moon in almost an exact line. The Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun; making the Moon move completely into Earth's shadow. The rusty red is caused by the Earth's shadow - what you're seeing is every sunrise and sunset on Earth all at the same time. Lunar eclipses may happen every one or two years. The reason we don't see them all the time is because sometimes they may happen when in its day where we live but night in the other side of Earth. Next time we'll be able to see one will be on July 7, 2009. Make sure if you missed it this time not to miss it then!
Additional Sources:
Lunar Eclipses for Beginners: http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/LEprimer.html
Solar Eclipses for Beginners: http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/SEprimer.html
Total Lunar Eclipse of 2008 February 21:http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/LEplot/LEplot2001/LE2008Feb21T.GIF
Title: Global Warming may be killing sea life off Pacific coast. Author: Barry Parr Date of Article: February 23, 2008 Source: http://coastsider.com/index.php/site/news/global_warming_may_be_killing_sea_life_off_pacific_coast/20080223/
This article talks about the effect of global warming. The effect is creating dead zones in the ocean off the Pacific Northwest. There is dead fish, crab and other marine life smothered under a white mat of bacteria. Lubchenco(marine ecologist) said, nothing that could swim or scuttle away had died in the ocean. Also Lubchenco and other marine ecologist concluded that the undersea plague appears to be a symptom of global warming.
Title: Mild spell makes roads, highways treacherous Author: Shannon Vanraes
The unexpected warm weather in Winnipeg has had a negative impact on driving. Even though there was only a small amount of freezing rain, there was enough to coat the roads with a slippery texture. Rollovers and collisions have been a common occurence and people are advised to drive cautiously. Nobody was killed in any of the accidents, but if people aren't careful, it is very possible.
Title: Global Warming inspires enterprising solutions Author: Paul Davidson Date: February 21, 2008 Source: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&hid=109&sid=46edd403-1a5e-437d-aa87-aae9bea261ae%40sessionmgr102
The Article describes the methods of stopping global warming such as the Carbon Inhaler, a 9-foot-tall device that removes the carbon dioxide right out of the atmosphere. As air blows through, CO2 sticks to chemically coated panels while oxygen and other gases breeze by. Allen Wright, president of Global Research Technologies envisions 40-foot-long machines on vast isolated stretches where carbon would be buried. With each device able to remove a ton of carbon a day, 30 million units could remove 10 billion tons a year, a third of the world's emissions. The CO2 busting industry is exploding, as the likeliness of federal legislation capping the emissions of utilities and other industries grows, offering the chance for huge profits. Their product is Carbon offsets. One carbon offset, or credit, equals a ton of CO2 removed from the air. An allowance lets a company emit a ton of CO2. The two carbon currencies -- allowances and offsets -- will likely merge. Instead of cutting its own pollution or purchasing allowances, a utility could buy offsets that fund carbon reduction elsewhere in the USA. Today, offsets cost $3 to $8, and allowances are expected to cost at least $25 by 2020 and $60 by 2040.Carbon offsets today are largely bought by utilities and corporations such as PepsiCo that want to offset the carbon dioxide they produce from trucks and cars or generating electricity. Blue Source plans to capture the carbon dioxide emitted from a Kansas fertilizer plant and sell it to petroleum fields to boost oil output. It's spending $70 million on equipment as well as on pipelines to send the gas about 100 miles to the oil fields. Blue Source already has five setups in the USA. It will trap about 650,000 tons of carbon a year, the equivalent of removing 113,000 cars from the road. Another carbon-buster wants to dump up to 1,000 tons of pulverized iron over a patch of ocean 15,000 square miles to germinate plankton. Iron ore has been shown to assist the growth of plankton, which inhale as much CO2 in six months as an entire forest consumes in decades.
Title: The elegant Universe, (String Theory) Author: (The Video), Nova the Theory, many physics/mathematics expert Date: ~October 2003 Source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html
String theory tries to unite all theories on all forces and all sizes. The theories that we have today work as long as they are used in an object or space of a certain size. If you don’t, they break apart and don’t work. For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity works ONLY in vast distances. If applied to smaller particles, it doesn’t work. Quantum physics works ONLY in small particles. Currently we don’t know why that happens, or how to unite them. The basic idea is that matter’s made up of tiny strings; if you break subatomic particles, supposedly you find these strings that are like elastic bands. It’s a long theory to explain in 150 words but for example (as to how they solve other theories’ problems), the strings supposedly break into parallel universes and dissipate gravity, which explains why it’s weaker than other forces.
Other sources: http://www.superstringtheory.com/ http://www.nuclecu.unam.mx/~alberto/physics/string.html
This article is about underwater car. Swiss car maker Rinspeed made underwater car. This car’s name is sQuba. The car has an electric motor with the rear wheels. The propulsion on the water is ensured by two propellers in the stern and two powerful jet drives in the bow propel the vehicle under water while diving. With zero emissions, zero pollution in the seven seas of this world. The light body with components made of futuristic Carbon Nano Tubes encloses in a streamlined manner the driver and passenger who are supplied with fresh breathing air by the self-contained on-board system.
Title: Thermablades- Slippery when wet Author: Genie Leung Date: November 3 2007 Source: http://www.cramscience.ca/es.php?a=212
Thermablades are hockey blades that have a sensor inside of them that melts the ice below them very slightly. By melting the ice beneath them, it allows the skater to feel more confident, and apparently make them a better player. Since the surface of the ice is slippery, it means it has low friction. To make it easier to skate on, Thermablades melt the ice to give it a slight layer of water. The slight layer of water then decreases the amount of friction on the ice, and allows the player to move easier. (Ice becomes more slippery when heated and allows skating to become easier.) The idea of thermablades was created when a man slipped on a surface of ice, while wearing warm sneakers.
Title: Cool Penguins Author: Emily Sohn Date: February 20, 2008 Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org
A new study suggests that warmer water reduces the number of king penguins which have to eat fishes like squid. Because of global warming, ocean surface temperature got warmer. when the water is warmer, fewer squid grow, also it reduced adult penguin's survival by 9% in later years. For now, the population is okay but it could spell big trouble for a bird that depends on cold and ice. Additional Sources http://www.globalwarming.org/ http://www.siec.k12.in.us/west/proj/penguins/king.html
Title: Monkey Math Author: Agnieszka Biskup Date of Article: January 9, 2008 Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20080109/Note3.asp
The article Monkey Math is about the study of monkeys doing the same math problems as college students. Elizabeth Brannon and Jessica Cantlon who are researchers at Duke University developed a computer program that tests quick addition without actually counting. First a slide of dots would appear, then another one. Then two slides would be shown. One has the sum of the dots that had been shown before and the other with an incorrect number of dots. Both the students and the monkeys answered within 1 second of seeing the slide. In the end the students were right 94% of the time while the monkeys were right 76% of the time. But even though the students were smarter, it gives proof of where we got our smart minds from.
Title: Bacteria Author: University of York Date of Article: Feb 24, 2008 Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080219102415.htm
Researchers have found out that in Haemophilus influenzae the bacteria can use a ``invisibility cloak`` a common ear infection can move throughout the body with being attack from the immune system. The bacteria uses sialic acid which creates the ``cloak``. Other bacteria uses sialic acids for a food source, so their almost eating us from the inside out.
K, so apparently I don't write the date IIIIIII wrote it but the date the article was written. Alright, so the date my little article was written was February 16, 2008.
Title: Bees gain advantage from predecessors Author: Randolph E Schmid Date of Article: February 25, 2008 Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080225/ap_on_sc/killer_bees;_ylt=An1CsUZ21VE4wOlhWo7dBTAPLBIF
Lately, Killer Bees from South America have been migrating to Washington. These bees have been breeding with the species of bees native to Washington. Opposed to scientist’s beliefs these hybrids have inherited qualities that make the off-springs even better than the predecessors. One would think that these bees would pick up all kinds of genes. However, these bees have managed to pick up mostly functional genes from both species.
Title: Egg In a Bottle Author: joeykidd2007 Date of Article: February 25, 2008 Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD70vY3nKCg
This experiment involves a hard boiled egg, a bottle, and boiled water. During this experiment you will see that the egg is larger then the bottle, and can not be placed inside by itself. The steps for this experiment include: Boil some water, poor the water into the bottle and let it heat up. Then take the water out, then carefully place the egg on the top. Take a look and watch and see what happens. The egg squeezes through the bottle top. This occurs because when the boiling water is placed in the bottle it heats up along with the surrounding air. Then when the water is dumped out the air inside heats up and we all know heating air expands. Next the egg is placed on top and the hot air is trapped. There is no hot water left in the bottle so the hot air is begins to cool down. This means the volume decreases. Then pressure inside the bottle decreases there for the pressure inside the bottle is smaller then the pressure outside the bottle, and pushes the egg slowly
Title: Hope dims that Earth will survive Sun's death Producer: NewScientist.com News Service Author: Jason Palmer Date of Article: 22 February, 2008 Source: http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn13369-hope-dims-that-earth-will-survive-suns-death.html
Hope dims discusses a new theory about Earth’s survival during the Sun’s death, namely the red giant stage. The theory states that in 7.6 billion years, through nuclear fusion all of the Sun’s hydrogen will have been fused into helium. The Sun will expand to 250 times its present size, and the resulting loss of mass will weaken its gravitational pull, which will increase the size of Earth’s orbit. This and the studies of the survival of other planets in a similar situation to that of Earth lead scientists to believe that Earth might survive as well. However, the newest model of the Sun’s red giant stage, based on other red giants, suggests that while Earth’s orbit would widen at first, it would create a “tidal bulge” effect on the Sun with its own gravitational pull. This gravitational bulge would slow the Earth’s orbit by following behind it, allowing the Sun to pull Earth in. Earth could possibly still survive, if an asteroid was made to pull on it enough to increase its speed.
Artucle Summary #2 Title: Typhoon impacts on China's precipitation during 1957-1996 Article source: http://www.springerlink.com/content/k862020w3k960k3r/ Article Date: Received: 1 September 2001 Revised: 9 August 2002 Summary Date: February 25th 2008 Addition source: http://www.firstscience.com/home/articles/space/gamma-ray-wipe-out_31878.html http://www.firstscience.com/home/articles/technology/futuristic-food_1734.html
Tropical Cyclone (TC) activity is an important feature of China's climate that can have important impacts on precipitation and can cause extensive property damage. In particular, precipitation from TCs contributes a significant portion of overall precipitation. This study deals with typhoons that influence China and focuses on their impact on China's precipitation. Four aspects are examined in this research. Firstly, the study of influencing typhoon frequency reveals that the main season that typhoons affect China is from May to November, especially between July and September. The frequency of influencing typhoons was steady during the past 40 years. Secondly, inspection of the climatology of station typhoon precipitation shows that Hainan and the southeastern coastalmost regions are most frequently affected by typhoons, and most of the regions south of the Yangtze River are affected by typhoons each year. Meanwhile, during 1957-1996, most of the typhoon-influenced regions show decreasing trends in typhoon precipitation but only the trends in southern Northeast China is significant. Thirdly, examination of the typhoon cases shows that there exists it significant linear relationship between the precipitation volume and impacted area. Finally, study of variations of typhoon impacts on China's precipitation suggests that there exists a decreasing trend in the contribution of typhoon precipitation to overall precipitation, while total annual volume of typhoon precipitation decreases significantly during the period.
How A Paintball Gun Uses Compresses Air to Shoot/ Reload
This article states how a paintball gun works, with compresses gasses to shoot a small object down range. The markers (guns) use compressed gasses (CO2 or Nitrogen primarily) stored in an attached air tank. The gas is release from the tank and due to under great pressure it expands and force the object out. There are two primary forms of firing mechanisms blow back and electro-pneumatic guns. When the electro-pneumatic gun firers using a computer chip to place gas behind the bolt to drop the bolt and shoot, then in a matter of milliseconds switches to the front of the bolt to force the bolt back and seals to close prevent any extra gas from escaping. The marker is now ready to shoot again.
For blow back firing mechanisms see article #1 by me.
To find this article use: http://rockymountainsports.stores.yahoo.net/howdoesthatp.html Or for any more questions: Question/Coments Produced by: Rocky Mountain Sports & Health Inc.3335 Arapahoe Rd. Unit 70-221. Erie CO 80516 PH: (303) 665-8812
Hurricane Dean was a category 5 hurricane that went across the Caribbean Sea, and Southern Jamacia. It was a span of 10 days that the hurricane occured for. The estimated damage that it caused was $5.97 Billion USD. There was at least 42 deaths from the hurricane. it had winds of 160 MPH. It had 5 - 10 inches of rain.
Title: NASA says moon south pole more rugged than thought Author: Will Dunham Date: February 27, 2008 Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080228/sc_nm/moon_nasa_dc;_ylt=Amx6uUgmVxbdMF3tGOTgE_cPLBIF
The article talks about who NASA was planing to have a future landing spot on the moons south pole but discovered that it many be more rugged then they had thought they may have to reconsider. The landing area has many towering peaks and very deep craters which would make it very difficult for any lunar to land on. The peaks are over 3.8 miles tall. Taller than the tallest mountain in America. They have used a special radar to obtain the information called an Goldstone's 230-foot (70-meter) radar dish, in which letting NASA know about the conditions.
This science experiment has to do with getting a hard boiled egg (without a shell) into a bottle. As you can see the guy lights three matches and drops them into the bottle, then places the egg back onto the mouth of the bottle. The egg slowly gets sucked into the bottle, this happens because the three matches that were lit was put into the bottle, it heats the air which makes it expand. When the matches go out the bottle cools which makes it contract, this had made the air pressure inside the bottle less than the air pressure outside of it. The greater pressure outside the bottle pushes the egg inside the bottle.
Dynamic World under Artic ice Species reproducing in winter, research finds
Written by: Bartley Kives
By capturing and studying zoo plankton scientists from Manitoba can determine the level of activity in the ocean during the winter season. In recent years biologists believed there to be little marine life in the northern ocean but these studies have proven that to be incorrect. In-fact, there is proof of reproduction during this time of year, which means in the spring during the melt more carbon dioxide will be released into the air, which may contribute more green house gasses.
I got the article from the wpg free press cuz my net was down.
Title: Could Waste Heat From Car Exhausts Be Recycled To Help Power Cars? Author: Professor Mike Rowe Date: Sunday March 3rd Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080220094652.htm
I read an interesting article today that I chose to write about. It was about how the heat from the exhaust of cars could actually be able to fuel cars. Long-term researchers at Cardiff University that have been in thermoelectric generation, which basically means that they have been trying to convert heat into electricity. If they actually made this work, this could power lots of other things, not only cars. Because as Professor Mike Rowe says "The main interest of cars is to decrease the petrol consumption and reduce CO2 emissions. If you can utilize the exhaust heat you could replace the alternator. This would provide a 5 percent saving in fuel straightaway." Lots of veichle manufacturers and other companies are looking into this idea and system. Thermoelectric technology could be the way of the future, and can provide a lot. In the end, Thermoelectric technology could be a way of life very soon and it is a very interesting process.
This video shows that technology helped many ways to us nowadays. The girl, who has a autism, acted clearly autism and she couldn't speak. Two years ago, she started slowly taping her own and the computer became her voice. Trough the computer, she can express her feeling and describe why she acting at that moment. Around her people couldn't realize that she knows all the words. Now people knows that person who has a autism, however also has a intelligent and his/her own personality.
Title:Brain waves control video game Author: Jo Twist
Scientists have been researching wireless video games and have come up with a system based on a headset. Instead of wires, it uses electroencephalography, cerebral data nodes and Bluetooth technology. The nodes are placed in various positions at the back of the head where electrical activity from the scalp is taken into a signal-processing engine. This system can also be used for people with paralysis.
Title: Floppy when wet: Sea cucumber inspires new plastic Author: Mason Inman Date of Article: March 6, 2008 Source: http://technology.newscientist.com/article/dn13420-floppy-when-wet-sea-cucumber-inspires-new-plastic.html
A brand new type of plastic in development by Stuart Rowan and Chris Weder at Case Western University will react in much of the same way as the skin of a sea cucumber. This plastic will be able to transform from rigid and hard to floppy in little time after being soaked in warm water. This plastic will be utilized to change simple clothing to tough armour and is also projected to be used in neurological surgeries. By having the fibres of the plastic bond to hydrogen cells when no wet, the plastic will become hard. When wet the fibres will loose their ability to bond to the hydrogen cells and choose the water molecules to latch onto instead making the plastic limp and soft.
title-A Road Paved Green By: Daniel Schoonmaker link-http://www.rapidgrowthmedia.com/features/gchauf9408.aspx
This article speaks of the many advantages of hybrid cars and how they can be put into to society to better not only the health of our people but the enviorment around us. In this article a regular taxi driver trades in his old beat up van for a honda prius hybrid. His fuel econemy shoots through the roof saving gas and his emission sink low into the ground as if they are not even there. The invention of the hybrid car will help our enviorment and will one day be used by more people to not only save gas. But our planet.
may 27 2008 http://www.great-yarmouth.gov.uk/environment/recycling___waste/composting.htm
its weird,we have all the abilities to compost, yet people dont do it. we could put less the co2 into the atmosphere. not many people no they can compost thier grass clippings instead of throuing it away. a finfished copost is a dark brown, almost black and is spongy in texture yet is full of nutrient for your garden. so remember if you copmpost you can promote less co2 and help save the enviroment by putting less garbage out each week. tiffany w http://ladpw.org/epd/sg/bc.cfm http://www.gardenstew.com/about4063.html
Title: Canadian technology on Mars Date: May 29, 2008 08:50 PM BY: SARAH BARMAK STAFF REPORTER Source: http://www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/433859
This article is about a highly advanced weather machine which is aboard the NASA Phoenix lander which successfully transmitted its first messages from Mars. Whiteway(scientist) released the data Thursday from the lidar (laser-based light detection and ranging) instrument, the first Canadian-built machine to land on another world. The lidar is perhaps the most important of the three Canadian instruments on the lander that calculate weather, which also include machines that monitor temperature and pressure. Scientists will now spend about 3 months exploring the planet's surface. Among the lander's jobs: digging into the soil for ice thought to be inches below the surface. Scientists hope the Phoenix will tell us if Mars could support life.
It was so strong it sandblasted the bark off tree and tossed homes around as if they were toys. The tornado that struck the tiny community of elie, tis summer was deemed yesterday to be the most powerful in canadian history. enviornment canada, after reviewing amateur videotape of the twister, determind the tornado packed winds of more than 400km/h that strong enough to qualify as canadas first ever f-5 tornado on the international fujita scale. meteorolgist dave carison said a house was being picked upw hole and thrown into the air and then thrown a few hundred meters throught the air where it exploded. As well, there was a van, that we later found out was full of drywall, touched down june 22, cutting a swath 300 meters wide and 5.5 km long through the town just west of winnipeg. no one was seriously injured or killed.
Title: Giant Squid has World’s Largest Eyes Author: Daily Times (Unknown Author) Article Date: Monday, May 5, 2008 Source/Link: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C05%5C05%5Cstory_5-5-2008_pg6_5 Additional Sources/Links: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/29/giant-squid-being-thawed_n_99120.html http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080430/ap_on_re_au_an/new_zealand_colossal_squid
The world’s largest squid has been recorded at 26 feet long, 1000 pounds; it was caught in the Ross Sea of the Coast of Northern Antarctica. This squid, after being slowly defrosted, has been recorded of having the largest animal eye on the face of the earth, 11 inches across. No one can really say that this is the largest squid on the planet, only the largest ever recorded, scientists have claimed that the squid, (if it hadn’t been killed) could have grown to a length of up to 46 feet. These squids can venture up to 6500 feet from the surface of the water, good thing, as they are extremely aggressive hunters.
San Francisco earthquake of 1906 http://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Article?id=ar752639&st=earthquale This was one of the most devastating earthquakes in the states ever. It hit California and San Francisco, people lost around 400 000 homes and lots of building as well. It hit at 5:12 a.m. April 18th ,it lasted 45 to 60 seconds. It happened around the San Andeans Fault. After shock hit at around 8:14 a.m. the same day, it destroyed some buildings and was very devastating. Many fires started because of all of the power lines that had broke and all of the gas mains that had exploited.
Title; Soapy water and Methane gas Date; June 18th, 2008 Source; Mythbusters http://youtube.com/watch?v=gXcug7RqPgs&feature=related
In this video, the Mythbusters are trying an experiment with soapy water and methane gas. They feed the methane gas into the water through a tube, and it creates bubbles of flammable gas. The column of bubbles rise because methane is lighter than air and keeps the bubbles light enough to keep them from falling over. When Adam lights the column on fire, the methane gas burns and spreads up the entire column.
Title: Recycling
Author: doesn’t have
Date: doesn’t have
Source: search.ebscohost.com
I read an article about recycling. It is kind of surprising that we throw away four pounds of trash each day. Instead of throwing things away into landfills we need to make an effort to save things and then arrange to give them to someone that can reuse or recycle them. It says recycling starts with you. Recycling helps the environment. It saves air, water and soil pollution.
Additional Sources:
Submitted by: Shabonah
Title-Goldfish Three Second Memory Myth Busted
Author-Anna Hipsley
Date-February 19, 2008
This article talks about an Australian boy's science project, which shows that goldfish are actually smarter than we think. This was shown by feeding the fish with a red lego block put in as well. After a week of leaving the fish alone, they still swam around looking for food when the lego block was put in by itself. I have observed this is true as my past goldfish always started swimming crazy when they saw me pull out the orange food container. It's amazing how much can actually fit into a mind so tiny.
Title: Speaker Allows Deaf To Feel Music
Author: BBC NEWS
Date: Wednesday, October 26th, 2005
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/4377428.stm
This article was about a new device in development called the Vibrato. It is being created to allow deaf people to "hear" music through five finger pads attached to the Vibrato speaker. This device is being created by Shane Kerwin, a design gradute from Brunel University. Although he is in the process of creating this device, he was not the first to think of the idea. The idea of hearing music through vibrations can date all the way back to 1818, with Beethoven. Beethoven went deaf but continued to compose music for another decade. He was able to do this by cutting the legs off his piano and laying it on the ground, so as he played he could feel the vibrations through the floor. This is a promising device that could allow all children to join in with their music classes, and enjoy the musical education.
Other Related Articles:
Title: New guide outlines the most vital vitamins you may need
author:Sheri Levine
Date: September 7, 2007
Source: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/subscriber/ health/story/4035107p-4644802c.html
In this article, it introduces vitamins that are most needed in our bodies. Some of them can be easily fulfilled by food, but some of them are needed to take as pills.
They are vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, and potassium. Vitamin D can be easily lacked in winter time, so we need to take food or pills. In case of Vitamin E, food is the best source otherwise you check with doctor whether you can take supplements or not. Calcium is one of the most important vitamins and milk products are the best way to get calcium. But too much calcium could cause some diseases such as kidney stones. To get potassium, taking foods is a great way, but taking pills might be harmful. Among those foods, bananas are most excellent one.
In conclusion, with being careful about taking supplements, we should get all necessary vitamins for our body system. However, consuming too much of vitamins at once could be harmful or useless.
Additional Sources:
Title: Money Minded: How to Psychoanalyze the Stock Market
Author: Robert Armstrong and Jacob Ward
Date: 02.19.2008
Source: http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2008-02/money-minded-how-psychoanalyze-stock-market
The main idea of this article is the ability to predict what a person will do on the stock market based on their emotions. For example if they are afraid they will probably sell. The article discusess a man named Richard Peterson who is using his psychiatric experience to build software which will analyze investor behaviour. What Peterson determined was that the major population shares the same normal human instincts. He calls it a new science called neuroinvesting. Another example is after markets reopened after September 11, 2001, insurance stocks plummeted as investors sold them in a panic. Since the 1980s, psychologists, have been trying to understand the human behaviour which is attached to financial markets. Peterson may just become a very rich man.
Links: http://www.brijit.com/subject/0/neuroinvesting
Submitted By: Darren H
Title: Cloned Animals Safe to Eat, Says FDA
Author: Lauran Neergaard
Date: January 15, 2008
Source: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/01/15/cloned-animals.html
This article is about cloned animals, and if they are safe to eat. In fact meat and milk from cloned animals is just as safe to eat as that from old fashion bred animals. Although they are safe to eat, it will be awhile before you will see them in the stores. They are a lot more expensive then regular animals and the technology has not been perfected.
Other Sources:
Submitted by: Ellen
Title: February's Red Moon (Lunar Eclipse)
Author: Royal Astronomical Society
Date of Article: February 14, 2008
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/02/080211133105.htm
Anyone saw the red moon on February 21 experienced a lunar eclipse. Lots of people have heard of an eclipse although the most common is the solar one, not the lunar. The lunar eclipse occurs by the Earth, Sun and Moon in almost an exact line. The Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun; making the Moon move completely into Earth's shadow. The rusty red is caused by the Earth's shadow - what you're seeing is every sunrise and sunset on Earth all at the same time. Lunar eclipses may happen every one or two years. The reason we don't see them all the time is because sometimes they may happen when in its day where we live but night in the other side of Earth. Next time we'll be able to see one will be on July 7, 2009. Make sure if you missed it this time not to miss it then!
Additional Sources:
Lunar Eclipses for Beginners: http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/LEprimer.html
Solar Eclipses for Beginners:
Total Lunar Eclipse of 2008 February 21:http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/LEplot/LEplot2001/LE2008Feb21T.GIF
Title: Global Warming may be killing sea life off Pacific coast.
Author: Barry Parr
Date of Article: February 23, 2008
Source: http://coastsider.com/index.php/site/news/global_warming_may_be_killing_sea_life_off_pacific_coast/20080223/
This article talks about the effect of global warming. The effect is creating dead zones in the ocean off the Pacific Northwest. There is dead fish, crab and other marine life smothered under a white mat of bacteria. Lubchenco(marine ecologist) said, nothing that could swim or scuttle away had died in the ocean. Also Lubchenco and other marine ecologist concluded that the undersea plague appears to be a symptom of global warming.
Additional Sources:
Submitted by: Rebecca
Title: Mild spell makes roads, highways treacherous
Author: Shannon Vanraes
The unexpected warm weather in Winnipeg has had a negative impact on driving. Even though there was only a small amount of freezing rain, there was enough to coat the roads with a slippery texture. Rollovers and collisions have been a common occurence and people are advised to drive cautiously. Nobody was killed in any of the accidents, but if people aren't careful, it is very possible.
links: http://winnipegsun.com/News/Winnipeg/2008/02/16/4851239-sun.html
Title: Global Warming inspires enterprising solutions
Author: Paul Davidson
Date: February 21, 2008
Source: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&hid=109&sid=46edd403-1a5e-437d-aa87-aae9bea261ae%40sessionmgr102
The Article describes the methods of stopping global warming such as the Carbon Inhaler, a 9-foot-tall device that removes the carbon dioxide right out of the atmosphere. As air blows through, CO2 sticks to chemically coated panels while oxygen and other gases breeze by. Allen Wright, president of Global Research Technologies envisions 40-foot-long machines on vast isolated stretches where carbon would be buried. With each device able to remove a ton of carbon a day, 30 million units could remove 10 billion tons a year, a third of the world's emissions.
The CO2 busting industry is exploding, as the likeliness of federal legislation capping the emissions of utilities and other industries grows, offering the chance for huge profits. Their product is Carbon offsets. One carbon offset, or credit, equals a ton of CO2 removed from the air. An allowance lets a company emit a ton of CO2.
The two carbon currencies -- allowances and offsets -- will likely merge. Instead of cutting its own pollution or purchasing allowances, a utility could buy offsets that fund carbon reduction elsewhere in the USA. Today, offsets cost $3 to $8, and allowances are expected to cost at least $25 by 2020 and $60 by 2040.Carbon offsets today are largely bought by utilities and corporations such as PepsiCo that want to offset the carbon dioxide they produce from trucks and cars or generating electricity.
Blue Source plans to capture the carbon dioxide emitted from a Kansas fertilizer plant and sell it to petroleum fields to boost oil output. It's spending $70 million on equipment as well as on pipelines to send the gas about 100 miles to the oil fields. Blue Source already has five setups in the USA. It will trap about 650,000 tons of carbon a year, the equivalent of removing 113,000 cars from the road.
Another carbon-buster wants to dump up to 1,000 tons of pulverized iron over a patch of ocean 15,000 square miles to germinate plankton. Iron ore has been shown to assist the growth of plankton, which inhale as much CO2 in six months as an entire forest consumes in decades.
By Cameron Klayh
Additional Sources
Title: The elegant Universe, (String Theory)
Author: (The Video), Nova the Theory, many physics/mathematics expert
Date: ~October 2003
Source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html
String theory tries to unite all theories on all forces and all sizes. The theories that we have today work as long as they are used in an object or space of a certain size. If you don’t, they break apart and don’t work. For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity works ONLY in vast distances. If applied to smaller particles, it doesn’t work. Quantum physics works ONLY in small particles. Currently we don’t know why that happens, or how to unite them.
The basic idea is that matter’s made up of tiny strings; if you break subatomic particles, supposedly you find these strings that are like elastic bands. It’s a long theory to explain in 150 words but for example (as to how they solve other theories’ problems), the strings supposedly break into parallel universes and dissipate gravity, which explains why it’s weaker than other forces.
Other sources: http://www.superstringtheory.com/
Title - Rinspeed sQuba Underwater Concept Car
Author - Laura Malesich
Date of article - Feb 16th, 2008
Source - http://www.luxist.com/2008/02/16/rinspeed-squba-underwater-concept-car/
This article is about underwater car. Swiss car maker Rinspeed made underwater car. This car’s name is sQuba. The car has an electric motor with the rear wheels. The propulsion on the water is ensured by two propellers in the stern and two powerful jet drives in the bow propel the vehicle under water while diving. With zero emissions, zero pollution in the seven seas of this world. The light body with components made of futuristic Carbon Nano Tubes encloses in a streamlined manner the driver and passenger who are supplied with fresh breathing air by the self-contained on-board system.
Additional Sources - http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2008/02/15/hossain.underwater.car.itn (video)
http://www.newcartoronto.com/rinspeeds-new-squba-underwater-car.html(more picture)
Submitted by - Dante
Title: Thermablades- Slippery when wet
Author: Genie Leung
Date: November 3 2007
Source: http://www.cramscience.ca/es.php?a=212
Thermablades are hockey blades that have a sensor inside of them that melts the ice below them very slightly. By melting the ice beneath them, it allows the skater to feel more confident, and apparently make them a better player. Since the surface of the ice is slippery, it means it has low friction. To make it easier to skate on, Thermablades melt the ice to give it a slight layer of water. The slight layer of water then decreases the amount of friction on the ice, and allows the player to move easier. (Ice becomes more slippery when heated and allows skating to become easier.) The idea of thermablades was created when a man slipped on a surface of ice, while wearing warm sneakers.
additional sources:
p.s they're pretty expensive(399.99 CDN!)
Title: Cool Penguins
Author: Emily Sohn
Date: February 20, 2008
Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org
A new study suggests that warmer water reduces the number of king penguins which have to eat fishes like squid. Because of global warming, ocean surface temperature got warmer. when the water is warmer, fewer squid grow, also it reduced adult penguin's survival by 9% in later years. For now, the population is okay but it could spell big trouble for a bird that depends on cold and ice.
Additional Sources
By Kayla Lee
Title: Monkey Math
Author: Agnieszka Biskup
Date of Article: January 9, 2008
Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20080109/Note3.asp
The article Monkey Math is about the study of monkeys doing the same math problems as college students. Elizabeth Brannon and Jessica Cantlon who are researchers at Duke University developed a computer program that tests quick addition without actually counting. First a slide of dots would appear, then another one. Then two slides would be shown. One has the sum of the dots that had been shown before and the other with an incorrect number of dots. Both the students and the monkeys answered within 1 second of seeing the slide. In the end the students were right 94% of the time while the monkeys were right 76% of the time. But even though the students were smarter, it gives proof of where we got our smart minds from.
Additional Sources:
Submitted By: Elizabeth Wood
Title: Bacteria
Author: University of York
Date of Article: Feb 24, 2008
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080219102415.htm
Researchers have found out that in Haemophilus influenzae the bacteria can use a ``invisibility cloak`` a common ear infection can move throughout the body with being attack from the immune system. The bacteria uses sialic acid which creates the ``cloak``. Other bacteria uses sialic acids for a food source, so their almost eating us from the inside out.
Other Sources:
K, so apparently I don't write the date IIIIIII wrote it but the date the article was written. Alright, so the date my little article was written was February 16, 2008.
Title: Bees gain advantage from predecessors
Author: Randolph E Schmid
Date of Article: February 25, 2008
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080225/ap_on_sc/killer_bees;_ylt=An1CsUZ21VE4wOlhWo7dBTAPLBIF
Lately, Killer Bees from South America have been migrating to Washington. These bees have been breeding with the species of bees native to Washington. Opposed to scientist’s beliefs these hybrids have inherited qualities that make the off-springs even better than the predecessors. One would think that these bees would pick up all kinds of genes. However, these bees have managed to pick up mostly functional genes from both species.
Additional Sources:
Submitted By: Heather Maxted
Title: Egg In a Bottle
Author: joeykidd2007
Date of Article: February 25, 2008
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD70vY3nKCg
This experiment involves a hard boiled egg, a bottle, and boiled water. During this experiment you will see that the egg is larger then the bottle, and can not be placed inside by itself. The steps for this experiment include: Boil some water, poor the water into the bottle and let it heat up. Then take the water out, then carefully place the egg on the top. Take a look and watch and see what happens. The egg squeezes through the bottle top. This occurs because when the boiling water is placed in the bottle it heats up along with the surrounding air.
Then when the water is dumped out the air inside heats up and we all know heating air expands. Next the egg is placed on top and the hot air is trapped. There is no hot water left in the bottle so the hot air is begins to cool down. This means the volume decreases. Then pressure inside the bottle decreases there for the pressure inside the bottle is smaller then the pressure outside the bottle, and pushes the egg slowly
Additional Sources:
Submitted By: Sonja
Title: Hope dims that Earth will survive Sun's death
Producer: NewScientist.com News Service
Author: Jason Palmer
Date of Article: 22 February, 2008
Source: http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn13369-hope-dims-that-earth-will-survive-suns-death.html
Hope dims discusses a new theory about Earth’s survival during the Sun’s death, namely the red giant stage. The theory states that in 7.6 billion years, through nuclear fusion all of the Sun’s hydrogen will have been fused into helium. The Sun will expand to 250 times its present size, and the resulting loss of mass will weaken its gravitational pull, which will increase the size of Earth’s orbit. This and the studies of the survival of other planets in a similar situation to that of Earth lead scientists to believe that Earth might survive as well. However, the newest model of the Sun’s red giant stage, based on other red giants, suggests that while Earth’s orbit would widen at first, it would create a “tidal bulge” effect on the Sun with its own gravitational pull. This gravitational bulge would slow the Earth’s orbit by following behind it, allowing the Sun to pull Earth in. Earth could possibly still survive, if an asteroid was made to pull on it enough to increase its speed.
Additional Sources:
Submitted By: Andrew
Artucle Summary #2
Title: Typhoon impacts on China's precipitation during 1957-1996
Article source: http://www.springerlink.com/content/k862020w3k960k3r/
Article Date: Received: 1 September 2001 Revised: 9 August 2002
Summary Date: February 25th 2008
Addition source: http://www.firstscience.com/home/articles/space/gamma-ray-wipe-out_31878.html
Tropical Cyclone (TC) activity is an important feature of China's climate that can have important impacts on precipitation and can cause extensive property damage. In particular, precipitation from TCs contributes a significant portion of overall precipitation. This study deals with typhoons that influence China and focuses on their impact on China's precipitation. Four aspects are examined in this research. Firstly, the study of influencing typhoon frequency reveals that the main season that typhoons affect China is from May to November, especially between July and September. The frequency of influencing typhoons was steady during the past 40 years. Secondly, inspection of the climatology of station typhoon precipitation shows that Hainan and the southeastern coastalmost regions are most frequently affected by typhoons, and most of the regions south of the Yangtze River are affected by typhoons each year. Meanwhile, during 1957-1996, most of the typhoon-influenced regions show decreasing trends in typhoon precipitation but only the trends in southern Northeast China is significant. Thirdly, examination of the typhoon cases shows that there exists it significant linear relationship between the precipitation volume and impacted area. Finally, study of variations of typhoon impacts on China's precipitation suggests that there exists a decreasing trend in the contribution of typhoon precipitation to overall precipitation, while total annual volume of typhoon precipitation decreases significantly during the period.
Awareness Article #2
How A Paintball Gun Uses Compresses Air to Shoot/ Reload
This article states how a paintball gun works, with compresses gasses to shoot a small object down range. The markers (guns) use compressed gasses (CO2 or Nitrogen primarily) stored in an attached air tank. The gas is release from the tank and due to under great pressure it expands and force the object out. There are two primary forms of firing mechanisms blow back and electro-pneumatic guns. When the electro-pneumatic gun firers using a computer chip to place gas behind the bolt to drop the bolt and shoot, then in a matter of milliseconds switches to the front of the bolt to force the bolt back and seals to close prevent any extra gas from escaping. The marker is now ready to shoot again.
For blow back firing mechanisms see article #1 by me.
To find this article use: http://rockymountainsports.stores.yahoo.net/howdoesthatp.html
Or for any more questions: Question/Coments
Produced by: Rocky Mountain Sports & Health Inc.3335 Arapahoe Rd. Unit 70-221. Erie CO 80516 PH: (303) 665-8812
By: Chris
Hurricane Dean was a category 5 hurricane that went across the Caribbean Sea, and Southern Jamacia. It was a span of 10 days that the hurricane occured for. The estimated damage that it caused was $5.97 Billion USD. There was at least 42 deaths from the hurricane. it had winds of 160 MPH. It had 5 - 10 inches of rain.
Title: NASA says moon south pole more rugged than thought
Author: Will Dunham
Date: February 27, 2008
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080228/sc_nm/moon_nasa_dc;_ylt=Amx6uUgmVxbdMF3tGOTgE_cPLBIF
The article talks about who NASA was planing to have a future landing spot on the moons south pole but discovered that it many be more rugged then they had thought they may have to reconsider. The landing area has many towering peaks and very deep craters which would make it very difficult for any lunar to land on. The peaks are over 3.8 miles tall. Taller than the tallest mountain in America. They have used a special radar to obtain the information called an Goldstone's 230-foot (70-meter) radar dish, in which letting NASA know about the conditions.
Links: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080227182335.htm
Glynnis Eyford
Title: Science Experiment
Producer: gcchaps
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=773Rv8pZeOs
This science experiment has to do with getting a hard boiled egg (without a shell) into a bottle. As you can see the guy lights three matches and drops them into the bottle, then places the egg back onto the mouth of the bottle. The egg slowly gets sucked into the bottle, this happens because the three matches that were lit was put into the bottle, it heats the air which makes it expand. When the matches go out the bottle cools which makes it contract, this had made the air pressure inside the bottle less than the air pressure outside of it. The greater pressure outside the bottle pushes the egg inside the bottle.
Additional sources: http://www.spartechsoftware.com/reeko/Experiments/ExpEggInABottle.htm
Shenaz A
Dynamic World under Artic ice
Species reproducing in winter, research finds
Written by: Bartley Kives
By capturing and studying zoo plankton scientists from Manitoba can determine the level of activity in the ocean during the winter season. In recent years biologists believed there to be little marine life in the northern ocean but these studies have proven that to be incorrect. In-fact, there is proof of reproduction during this time of year, which means in the spring during the melt more carbon dioxide will be released into the air, which may contribute more green house gasses.
I got the article from the wpg free press cuz my net was down.
Title: Could Waste Heat From Car Exhausts Be Recycled To Help Power Cars?
Author: Professor Mike Rowe
Date: Sunday March 3rd
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080220094652.htm
I read an interesting article today that I chose to write about. It was about how the heat from the exhaust of cars could actually be able to fuel cars. Long-term researchers at Cardiff University that have been in thermoelectric generation, which basically means that they have been trying to convert heat into electricity. If they actually made this work, this could power lots of other things, not only cars. Because as Professor Mike Rowe says "The main interest of cars is to decrease the petrol consumption and reduce CO2 emissions. If you can utilize the exhaust heat you could replace the alternator. This would provide a 5 percent saving in fuel straightaway." Lots of veichle manufacturers and other companies are looking into this idea and system. Thermoelectric technology could be the way of the future, and can provide a lot. In the end, Thermoelectric technology could be a way of life very soon and it is a very interesting process.
Website: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080220094652.htm
Title: Technology helps autistic girl
Author: don't know
Source: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/health/2008/02/24/favaro.on.autistic.girl.ctv
This video shows that technology helped many ways to us nowadays. The girl, who has a autism, acted clearly autism and she couldn't speak. Two years ago, she started slowly taping her own and the computer became her voice. Trough the computer, she can express her feeling and describe why she acting at that moment. Around her people couldn't realize that she knows all the words. Now people knows that person who has a autism, however also has a intelligent and his/her own personality.
Additional Sources : http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/health/2008/02/24/favaro.on.autistic.girl.ctv
(about health)
(about technology)
Submitted by: Soonah
February 24 , 2008
Title:Brain waves control video game
Author: Jo Twist
Scientists have been researching wireless video games and have come up with a system based on a headset. Instead of wires, it uses electroencephalography, cerebral data nodes and Bluetooth technology. The nodes are placed in various positions at the back of the head where electrical activity from the scalp is taken into a signal-processing engine. This system can also be used for people with paralysis.
Title: Floppy when wet: Sea cucumber inspires new plastic
Author: Mason Inman
Date of Article: March 6, 2008
Source: http://technology.newscientist.com/article/dn13420-floppy-when-wet-sea-cucumber-inspires-new-plastic.html
A brand new type of plastic in development by Stuart Rowan and Chris Weder at Case Western University will react in much of the same way as the skin of a sea cucumber. This plastic will be able to transform from rigid and hard to floppy in little time after being soaked in warm water. This plastic will be utilized to change simple clothing to tough armour and is also projected to be used in neurological surgeries. By having the fibres of the plastic bond to hydrogen cells when no wet, the plastic will become hard. When wet the fibres will loose their ability to bond to the hydrogen cells and choose the water molecules to latch onto instead making the plastic limp and soft.
Additional Sources:
Submitted by: C. Samphir
title-A Road Paved Green
By: Daniel Schoonmaker
This article speaks of the many advantages of hybrid cars and how they can be put into to society to better not only the health of our people but the enviorment around us. In this article a regular taxi driver trades in his old beat up van for a honda prius hybrid. His fuel econemy shoots through the roof saving gas and his emission sink low into the ground as if they are not even there. The invention of the hybrid car will help our enviorment and will one day be used by more people to not only save gas. But our planet.
Michael Talbot
may 27 2008
its weird,we have all the abilities to compost, yet people dont do it. we could put less the co2 into the atmosphere. not many people no they can compost thier grass clippings instead of throuing it away. a finfished copost is a dark brown, almost black and is spongy in texture yet is full of nutrient for your garden. so remember if you copmpost you can promote less co2 and help save the enviroment by putting less garbage out each week.
tiffany w
Title: Canadian technology on Mars
Date: May 29, 2008 08:50 PM
Source: http://www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/433859
This article is about a highly advanced weather machine which is aboard the NASA Phoenix lander which successfully transmitted its first messages from Mars.
Whiteway(scientist) released the data Thursday from the lidar (laser-based light detection and ranging) instrument, the first Canadian-built machine to land on another world.
The lidar is perhaps the most important of the three Canadian instruments on the lander that calculate weather, which also include machines that monitor temperature and pressure.
Scientists will now spend about 3 months exploring the planet's surface. Among the lander's jobs: digging into the soil for ice thought to be inches below the surface.
Scientists hope the Phoenix will tell us if Mars could support life.
Additional Sources:
By: Stephanie. W
Title: Manitoba tornado strongest ever in canada
Date: 09/19/2007
source: guelph mercury (on)
It was so strong it sandblasted the bark off tree and tossed homes around as if they were toys.
The tornado that struck the tiny community of elie, tis summer was deemed yesterday to be the most powerful in canadian history. enviornment canada, after reviewing amateur videotape of the twister, determind the tornado packed winds of more than 400km/h that strong enough to qualify as canadas first ever f-5 tornado on the international fujita scale. meteorolgist dave carison said a house was being picked upw hole and thrown into the air and then thrown a few hundred meters throught the air where it exploded. As well, there was a van, that we later found out was full of drywall, touched down june 22, cutting a swath 300 meters wide and 5.5 km long through the town just west of winnipeg. no one was seriously injured or killed.
Title: Giant Squid has World’s Largest Eyes
Author: Daily Times (Unknown Author)
Article Date: Monday, May 5, 2008
Additional Sources/Links: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/29/giant-squid-being-thawed_n_99120.html
The world’s largest squid has been recorded at 26 feet long, 1000 pounds; it was caught in the Ross Sea of the Coast of Northern Antarctica. This squid, after being slowly defrosted, has been recorded of having the largest animal eye on the face of the earth, 11 inches across. No one can really say that this is the largest squid on the planet, only the largest ever recorded, scientists have claimed that the squid, (if it hadn’t been killed) could have grown to a length of up to 46 feet. These squids can venture up to 6500 feet from the surface of the water, good thing, as they are extremely aggressive hunters.
By: Sean Scollin-Ward
San Francisco earthquake of 1906
This was one of the most devastating earthquakes in the states ever. It hit California and San Francisco, people lost around 400 000 homes and lots of building as well. It hit at 5:12 a.m. April 18th ,it lasted 45 to 60 seconds. It happened around the San Andeans Fault. After shock hit at around 8:14 a.m. the same day, it destroyed some buildings and was very devastating. Many fires started because of all of the power lines that had broke and all of the gas mains that had exploited.
Title; Soapy water and Methane gas
Date; June 18th, 2008
Source; Mythbusters
In this video, the Mythbusters are trying an experiment with soapy water and methane gas. They feed the methane gas into the water through a tube, and it creates bubbles of flammable gas. The column of bubbles rise because methane is lighter than air and keeps the bubbles light enough to keep them from falling over. When Adam lights the column on fire, the methane gas burns and spreads up the entire column.
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