Title: Christmas, Winter, Darkness, Stress, and Depression Author: Andrey Kobilnyk Date: December 3, 2007 Source: http://www.firstscience.com/home/articles/humans/christmas-winter-darkness-stress-and-depression-page-3-1_40181.html
The article is about how the months of December, January and February are the most depression months of all. During the months when you get up in the morning it is dark and then when you get home in the evening it is still dark outside which makes everything a bit more depression because the lack of sunlight. Many people also get depressed during Christmas time because they are dealing with the stress to make everything perfect: the gifts, food and getting along with family members. There is a form of therapy to help but many people do not like the word therapy so they will never actually go for help. You can also just try to eat right and keep a healthy diet because it will help keep you relaxed rather than stressed.
Title: Soda And Mentos Experiments Author: ScienceOnTheBrain
Although it has not been decided exactly what makes this extreme reaction between the soda and mentos, there are a few theories. The most probable one is the fact that carbon dioxide is pumped into the pop bottles in factories. When the bottle is opened, or something is dropped into it, the gas rushes upwards, trying to escape. The gelatin and gum arabic of the mentos breaks the surface tension of the gas molecules. This makes it so that it takes less work for the gas to expand and form bubbles. Also, there are many tiny tiny holes in the surface of the candy, where carbon dioxide bubbles can form. All this combined causes the bubbles to form, and shoot up the top of the bottle.
Title- The Physics of Ballet Author- Discover Magazine Date- unknown Source- http://discovermagazine.com/1999/nov/thephysicsofball1730
This article not only discusses Ken Law's love for ballet, but how he uses his knowledge of physics to make it better. He is a dance teacher, and has applied his expertise in physics to make pirouettes longer using the momentum of the leg more efficiently. Grand jetes en tournant get better when you bring your legs together at the top of it. And grand jetes can look like you're floating when you split your legs at the top of your jump and close them as you come down. This article shows how physics connects even to dance, and how when we apply what we know, we can make better dancers.
Title: Slippery when not wet? Author: Science of learning network Date: date unknown Source:http://www.exploratorium.edu/hockey/index.html
Slippery when not wet describes what the slippery part of the ice is made up of. For many years scientists have believed that the ice was created by pressure. Recently, chemist Gabor Samorjai has discovered that it is not pressure that creates the water lubricant that we skate on, it is actually vibrating molecules. While taking a better look at the molecules, Gabor Samorjai discovered that every second water molecule was missing. Since that was highly unlikely that every second water molecule was missing, him and his team took a better look and found that every second water molecule was actually there! They were just vibrating so fast and quickly that they could not see it with the technology they were using. Somorjai then made a very significant discovery. The water molecules only move up and down and act very much like a liquid. This is very important because if the molecules moved side to side, the surface of the ice would actually be in a liquid form. The liquid layer caused by the up and down movement of the water molecules is what makes the ice slippery.
Tearless Onion Created In Lab Using Gene Silencing Author: ScienceDaily (Feb.5, 2008) Information adapted from materials provided by Crop and Food Research
Dr Colin Eady has been using gene-silencing technology called RNAi which allows him to shut down or turn off certain genes in an onion. RNAi is a safe way to aim for the plant’s own natural regulation system without using any foreign proteins in the plant. By shutting down the lachrymatory factor synthase gene, he has stopped the sulphur compounds from being converted to the tearing agent. Dr. Eady redirected the sulphur compounds into compounds known for their flavour and health properties. Dr. Eady is also working on making the onion capable of being grown in an efficient manner throughout climate change and other challenges. Dr. Eady hopes that the tearless onion will draw more people in to eat the nutritious and versatile vegetable.
We all heard of Global Warming and can also notice it. But now a recent study in USA has shown that this might also affect the survival of animal species that hibernate; for example, ground squirrels and some species of frogs. They might not survive since scientists believe if the animals were to increase their metabolism before the plants sprout, the animals would then die from starvation. Start making a difference by taking short showers, carpooling is better and idling the car wastes lots of money and gas, plant trees, and take cloth bags for shopping. Do all of these things and many more and you will not only save the animals but save Earth! So go out (in the spring preferably) and plant a tree!
We all heard of Global Warming and can also notice it. But now a recent study in USA has shown that this might also affect the survival of animal species that hibernate; for example, ground squirrels and some species of frogs. They might not survive since scientists believe if the animals were to increase their metabolism before the plants sprout, the animals would then die from starvation. Start making a difference by taking short showers, carpooling is better and idling the car wastes lots of money and gas, plant trees, and take cloth bags for shopping. Do all of these things and many more and you will not only save the animals but save Earth! So go out (in the spring preferably) and plant a tree!
Awareness Article 1 Title: Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory Author: Gerta Keller Date of Article: September 26, 2006 Source: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&hid=101&sid=c5bd347-111a-4fe5-898f-6641ad0ed546%40sessionmgr102
Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory discusses the theory of volcanoes causing the mass extinction even though it is widely believed that an asteroid filling the air with sun blocking dust caused it. Evidence suggests that volcanoes may have triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. These massive volcanoes would have blasted toxic gas and poisoned much of earth’s life. Geologists have known that central India was buried by a series of eruptions at around the time of he extinction, this area is now known as the Deccan traps. The eruptions would have poured carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the air, causing global warming and acid rain. Paleontologist Gerta Keller found plankton that went extinct with the dinosaurs that were perfectly preserved by the ocean sediments. A massive bloom of new plankton should have emerged shortly after the asteroid impact but it happened 300 000 years after predicted. In Keller’s scenario the India eruptions began half a million years before the mass extinction. This lead to global warming which put major stress on the environment. Then came the asteroid impact, which pushed things further toward catastrophe. And finally 300 000 years later, the eruptions reached there climax sealing the dinosaurs’ fate.
Title: Severe weather, tornadoes kill 50 across South Authors: Saeed Ahmed, Mark Bixler and Ed Payne Source:http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/02/06/tornadoes/index.html
These storms have destroyed home and have killed many people. Tornadoes have gone through Alabama, Arkansas, Kuntucky and Tennessee. In total they've killed 50 people in these states. Tennessee was hit the worst with 26 people who died and a college was hit badly were students and ritirees were trapped in the building. There are still searches being done by crews for more victims in Arkansas.
another source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/02/06/tornadoes.videos/index.html?iref=werecommend
A recent study conducted by Colleen G Farmer at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City has led to dramatic new findings in the area of the digestive systems in members of the Crocodilian family. As wonder grew about how a juvenile Alligator could possibly ingest 23% of its own body weight in one sitting, Colleen has found significant answers. Farmer has proven that alligators possess a rare gift for diverting large amounts of carbon dioxide rich blood to its digestive track to produce greater amounts of gastric acid, thus fuelling the digestion process. This shunt gives the alligator's cold blooded bodies a needed boost. In addition this shunt also helps in removing the harmful gastric acid from the alligators blood stream and by breaking down immense amounts of food at one time, eliminating the threat of predators finding the hidden stash. Great amounts of gastric acid is too much for one alligator's liver to handle at a time thus, this natural tool also saves the alligator's life in the process.
Title: Ancient Coral May Reveal Future of Stronger Monsoons and Harsher Droughts Author: David Biello Date of Article: January 17, 2007 Source: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa028&articleID=325172C5-E7F2-99DF-3247D05F99C58A4E
In this article, it talks about corals which can be used to forecast a rainfall. Coral records the history of weather and it shows patterns of it. According to forecasting of corals, there will be stronger monsoons and harsher droughts in the future. Most of patterns have actually occurred so far. Main reasons why these things happened are global warming and green house effects.
The Prince George ice jam has been flooding nearby homes and businesses for the past 58 days. This has put the city into a local state of emergency. This jam appears to be getting bigger, as it has now hit the 33 km mark but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The whole situation is actually getting better because there is a newly formed open channel of water running through the jam. This channel appears to be widening which can mean only good things. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/01/30/bc-icejam-pumping-warmwater.html?ref=rss http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=90fcf697-ab80-4eae-8f9a-43c9ba52b0ee&k=1440
After an accident regarding a vehicle going over the bridge on the Red River, the province has been removing snow on roads all over the city. Despite the small amount of snowfall Winnipeg has gotten over the past month, there has still been significant build-ups of snow along roads. Due to the unfortunate accident, the snow clearing policies will be reviewed and possibly revised.
Title: The Amazing Dry Ice Experiment Author: Reelgood0008 Date of Article: December 21, 2006 Source: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sbz150A_fh8&feature=related
The Amazing Dry Ice Experiment discusses what happens when you put dry ice and water into a cup and add a bit of soap to it. When you put dry ice and water together it gets really cold and the ice sublimes faster. This than will create think smoke which is actually CO2. When you add the soap in, it will create many bubbles. The bubbles will than start to emerge from the cup and get larger. The bubbles were created by the dry ice and water mixing with the soap. As you took a hang full of bubbles and rubbed them on his hand, they turned into dry ice.
Title: Slick Death: Oil-spill treatment kills coral Author: Carolyn Barry Date of Article: Week of August 4, 2007 Source: http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20070804/fob1.asp
My article discusses how the oil spill treatments are killing the coral reefs in the ocean. Oil spills can be deadly to the ocean’s habitat and also the environment. But when authorities can’t clean up oil spills mechanically, they use dispersants. Dispersants are like detergent. They break up the oil that is in the water. But sometimes droplets of oil are left and it falls down in the ocean and damages the coral. Scientists conducted a study where they left coral in a tank with oil. 90% of one specie survived in it and another specie survived 75% in oil. Even after 50 days the coral continued to grow. They then conducted the same test but put the coral in water with dispersants and all of the coral died. Overall scientists say that authorities should take in more consideration before using dispersants.
Title: Protein Gives Bald Mice Luxurious Locks Author: Sarah Graham Date of Article: September 27, 2005 Source: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=protein-gives-bald-mice-l
Protein Gives Bald Mice Luxurious Locks report based on a single protein; a hairless protein. A new study suggests that is a single protein can help a bald mouse sprout a coat of fur. Researcher had done a laboratory work. Hairless mice had lack hair eventually grew a coat of fur. Hair generally grew through a process that regeneration of tiny hair follicles also hairless has a regeneration of hair follicles unclearly. Hairless protein is represented in progenitor which is a way to regrowth phases of follicles. Hairless protein’s interactions with a second protein were Wise: stores in the follicles and prevent the hair cycle from entering the regrowth phase.
Title-Why Robot Cars Are Closer To Reality! Author-Roxana Deduleasa Date of article-11th January 2008 Source-http://news.softpedia.com/news/Why-Robot-Cars-Are-Closer-To-Reality-75992.shtml
Chevrolet Tahoe car, the same that used electronic to successfully drive itself through a 60miles urban course, in november 2007. the robot-car developed by carnegie university. Uses a combination of LIDAR, ladar, vision and mapping/GPS systems to see the world aroud it. In addition, the robot-car was equipped with a road geometry recognition system and perceives other traffic and obstacles on the road. This vehicle has recently navigated 60-mile of urban traffic, busy intersections and stop signs in less than six hours to win the defense advanced research projects agency(DARPA) 2007 urban challenge competition.
Title-Why Robot Cars Are Closer To Reality! Author-Roxana Deduleasa Date of article-11th January 2008 Source-http://news.softpedia.com/news/Why-Robot-Cars-Are-Closer-To-Reality-75992.shtml
Chevrolet Tahoe car, the same that used electronic to successfully drive itself through a 60miles urban course, in november 2007. the robot-car developed by carnegie university. Uses a combination of LIDAR, ladar, vision and mapping/GPS systems to see the world aroud it. In addition, the robot-car was equipped with a road geometry recognition system and perceives other traffic and obstacles on the road. This vehicle has recently navigated 60-mile of urban traffic, busy intersections and stop signs in less than six hours to win the defense advanced research projects agency(DARPA) 2007 urban challenge competition.
I forgot to put my little links at the bottom of my article so here they are. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/story/4120078p-4715019c.html http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080207.wklassen07/BNStory/National/home
Title : An Earthlike planet Author: J.L Pegg Date of Article: May 2, 2007 Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20070502/Note2.asp
Astronomers discovered an extrasolar planet that could have water, and possibility of existance of life. The planet orbits a star called Gliese 581 that is cooler than our sun. The astronomers revealed a lot about the new planet. It's five times heavier than Earth, has a solid surface, orbits its star every 13 days and the temperature is right for water to exist as a liquid and about same as temperatures are in the Earth.
The article I read about was called Weird Weather News and it talks about how these specific people have cancelled their trip cause of the weirdest reasons. There is this one lady who sued the local weather company for making the wrong predictions about the weather and she had to cancel her trip.
Title: Healthy Lolly's Author: Unversity of California Date of Article: February 06, 2008 Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008.02/080204144715.htm
In the Grand Rapids Michigan, Dr. Shi and his crew at the Dentistry have created orange flavoured lolly-pops that people are eager to get there hands on. The reason for that is because these small candies are sugar-free and are made from a natural ingrediant that is found in liquorice that kills promary bacterium, Shi and his team have created "smart bombs" that find bacteria and destroy it without hurting the good. " Part of my wild dream is that one day you will walk into a dentists office and give a saliva sample to be tested, just as you would give urine and blood samples to doctors"-Dr. Shi.
North American monsoon - Traveling to the coast of Western Mexico, U.S. researchers are studying the North American Monsoon, which brings humid air and heavy rain by blowing winds from the ocean. Studying the monsoon will give forecasters a better gauge of the climate system during the summer time. They've set up weather equipment all over Mexico to track patterns into the United States.
produced for the American Institute of Physics series Discoveries and Breakthroughs in Science by Ivanhoe Broadcast News
A lifting force. Something is needed to cause the air to begin rising. The most common lifting force is heating of air near the ground. As the air warms it becomes lighter and begins rising. Advancing masses of cool air, which force warm air upward, also trigger thunderstorms.
When all the conditions are present, humid air will rise high into the sky and cool and condense into towering clouds, forming thunderstorms. This air rising into a thunderstorm is called an updraft. Tornadoes form in within a thunderstorm's updraft.
The strongest tornadoes are often near the edge of the updraft, not far from where air is descending in a downdraft caused by the thunderstorms with falling rain or hail. This is why a burst of heavy rain or hail sometimes announces a tornado's arrival.
Tornadoes are commonly associated with the nation's heartland – in a 10-state area stretching from Texas to Nebraska that also includes Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Arkansas, known as Tornado Alley.
But, they are not limited to this region. Tornadoes have occurred in all 50 U.S. states and are, in fact, more common in Florida than they are in Oklahoma.
Florida tornadoes are generally weak — for tornadoes — with winds around 100 mph.
Tornadoes that have hit Oklahoma, on the other hand, are some of the most violent on record. A tornado that struck Oklahoma City and its southern suburbs in 1999 had winds of nearly 320 just above the ground.
Tornadoes are ranked by the damage they do using the six-tiered Fujita Scale. F0 and F1 tornadoes on the scale are considered "weak" and cause minimal to moderate damage with winds from 40-112 mph. F2 and F3 tornadoes are considered strong, packing winds of 113-206 mph that can cause major to severe damage. Violent tornadoes are those classified F4 and F5 with winds exceeding 206 mph. Damage is extreme to catastrophic.
Most weak tornadoes last 10 minutes or less, traveling short distances. Violent tornadoes have been known to last for hours and a few have traveled more than 100 miles.
This hurricane was on August 23,2005. It was located in New Orleans, LA. It was a category five hurricane. It killed about 1,386 people. The hurricane was the costliest and one of the five most deadliest hurricanes in United States history. The storm caused 81.2 billion dollars in damages. It had flooded 80% of New Orleans.
The direct delivery of music into ears can cause hearing loss over time. All of the noise we are exposed to adds up over time and wears on our hearing. Noise-induced hearing loss is irreversible. The closer people are to the source of a sound the more damage it can do to their hearing. If other people can hear the music when you are wearing headphones or ear buds, then it is too loud. It's also important to give the ears a rest or break, listening to music the majority of the day, even at moderate levels, sound can still have a significant damaging effect. If people have to raise their voice to be heard, the sound they are listing to is to loud. Another sign of overexposure to loud noise is experiencing ringing in the ears, this is known as tinnitus. Typically hearing loss happens slowly and over time it begins to sound like people are mumbling.
http://www.positivehealth.com/artic le-abstract.php?articleid=1805 Danny Ostash
Title: Montos and Diet Pepsi By: Youtube, lucas4293
How does mentos and Pepsi make explosions? This is one of the many questions that go through your head, when two simple day to day products are put together. Diet Pepsi is a drink that is made of artificial flavoring, water and preservatives. The thing that makes Pepsi or any type of pop bubbly is invisible carbon dioxide gas. Scientists have found when the mentos are dropped into Pepsi it right away breaks the surface area, and allows bubbles to form. When the mentos hit the bottom of the bottle, all the air is pushed upward and allows gas to be released. After this gas is released it pushes all of the liquid up and out of the bottle in and creates an explosion.
in life, we had the glorious source of factorys, stores,and cars, but with it the fine particle pollution is growing and causing cardiac disease. the experts believe that 70% of the canadians yhat die each year are linked to cardiovascular desease. because of the pollution levels it is causing hardening of the arteries. so find another way to get to work, take the bus carpool, or even walk. the earth is our home so keep it clean.
We don’t really know all that much about black holes, but we have theories. The most accepted one right now is that they are the remains of a giant star that collapsed. They become black holes because they have such immense gravity that their own gravity pulls them inwards into an infinitely small particle with gigantic mass. They are black because their gravity is so strong that even light can’t escape it. We haven’t really detected any for sure, but we have seen what seems like one. Of course we won’t be able to see one for a while, because they are just another black spot on the universe.
Title: Tornado survivor downed shot, 'then I heard this noise' Author: Mark Bixler, David Mattingly and Ed Payne Date of article: February 07, 2008 Source: http://gwoodhall.blogspot.com/2008/02/g10-science-format-for-awareness.html
In Lafayette, Tennessee, a big tornado was headed in the town. All the lights went out, the glass broke and everything in the house flew all over where. Even people in the car got injured. This tornado killed at least 56 people in the South, and 32 people died in Tennessee. People had no house, and no way to live. They tried to put their lives back together; however, this tornado cause too much destroyed all the places. This tornado was deadliest in the U.S.
I read an article about cloud seeding. Cloud seeding has not work very well using traditional methods using silver iodide. Research now being down in Mexico and South Africa has found more success using water absorbing salts (hydroscopic salts). The idea for using salt came by accident when researchers noticed clouds and storms were different over paper mills. The research will be very good for drought area of the world.
In the video there is a coke can on a pan and they are heating it up on the stove. After the can is heated and vapour is coming out of the top you take tongs and you flip the can upside down into a thing of like cold water with ice and stuff in it. Once the people put the can in the water all the air came out and the can got crushed. It said since they quickly condensed the vapour inside the can, there is neither air nor vapour to counter the air pressure of the exterior, and that’s why it like got crushed/. http://youtube.com/watch?v=jntpyjmAJwg Kristi
additional sources: http://www.nawhttp://www.nawcinc.com/links.htmlcinc.com/wm.html Submitted by Farkhondah SorryMr.Woodhall this also with my Cloud Seeding but i forgot to put it.
Title: Shuttle blasts into space. Author: Darren H Date of Article: February 7,2008 Source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/02/07/spaceshuttle.ap/index.html
This article discusses the shuttle Atlatis's launch at the Kennedy Space Center. It is headed to the International space station, and carries a $2 billion European space lab. Atlantis and its seven man crew will be in space for 12 days. The last space shuttle mission is scheduled for 2010.
Title: Green Travel Author: James Post Date of Article: July 31st, 2007 Source:http://www.bestglobalwarmingarticles.com/Article/global-warming---global-warming-articles----Green-travel-/4725
This article talks about the effects that travel has on global warming. This refers to daily travel, like driving to work, and vacation travel. A study done at Oxford University showed that 26% of the CO2 emissions in the UK came from transportation, with planes taking up 70%. Cars caused 25% of the emissions, and public transport, such as buses or subways, resulted in 3.5%. For example, a plane trip for one person from Europe to the Caribbean causes 1.9 tons of CO2 emissions to be released, and studies have been done to show that carbon released at high altitudes is more damaging than being released on the ground. Paradise Bay Resort & Spa has started to implement the Zero Carbon Travel program, which allows then to buy carbon credits at under market value, as well as use energy efficient washing machines and fridges, all at an affordable price to the guest.
Title: Exploding Black Holes Could Expose Hidden Dimensions Producer: NewScientist.com News Service Author: Ker Than Date of Article: 05 February 2008 Source: http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn13279-exploding-black-holes-could-expose-hidden-dimensions.html
Exploding Black Holes discusses the possibility of finding proof of other dimensions by studying the effects of the dissipation of smaller black holes, based on various theories. The article discusses the “string theory” which predicts that in the event of the existence of extra dimensions, black holes would engulf these dimensions and form “black strings” and also the theory of “Hawking Evaporation” which states that black holes evaporate/explode (only small black holes will evaporate completely in the lifetime of the universe) as they vanish. The article indicates that under these two theories, when a black hole evaporates, the “strings” would weaken and snap. This would release the dimension’s energy in the form of radiation, detectable to new, wider range radio telescopes. This radiation could prove not only the existence of extra dimensions, but allow scientists to determine their size as well. These cosmic events are only theoretical and have yet to be proven.
The white tiger was originated from the asian species. There is roughly only 200 white bangle tigers left around the whole world unless we discontinue hunting these beautiful creatures. They were first spotted in the frozen tundra of the Soviat Far East. There is about a total of 5000 to 7000 bangle tiger species left in our world. That is a very miniscule number compared to how many there used to be. In the past 100 years there has only been a spotting of 12 in India. The first of their existence was between the time of 1556 through 1605 A.D.
This artcle was about Hydrogen cars and how they will be Fuel effiecient and how they will better our society by not polluting. The car will run on a "chemical reaction caused by hydrogen and water." as said in the article. President Bush said that " Fuel cell cars will make our air significantly cleaner, and our country much less dependant on foreign sources of oil. This article is basically saying the president is promoting this new automobile and wants it to be on the market to save our enviorment. As well as to slow the importation and use of oil.
Solar Energy : Global Warming - "Adverse Effects Due To Global Warming"
During the past 9 to 10 years, our atmosphere has produced warm years, mainly to the fact of global warming. The number of times it has rained has increased during the last 50-60 years, also due to global warming. Storms morph into tempests because of global warming. Hurricanes and Tornadoes have been rated higher in recent years because of the fact global warming increases their intensity and furiousity. To reduce global warming we can re use wood from old houses to build new ones, because at the rate we're going, we'll run out of trees. We also have to cut down on pollution. Pollution from houses, cities, cars, factories and other materials that cause pollution, as this is a big part of global warming. Global warming also causes a lot of health issues, when the heat rises, this causes diseases, heat people aren't prepared for etc. Mosquitos have been found in places that were once to cold for them and mosquitos now carry diseases. In the end, global warming is a very serious issue that shouldn't be taken lightly.
Title:Lifeblood of the World: How Crude Oil Powers Our Lives. Sourse:search.ebsco.com
Summary: I read an article about crude oil in modern life. The article discusses the importance of crude oil in modern life. The global economy would screech to a halt without a constant supply of petroleum. Detergents, food additives, tires, nail polish, lipstick and pen ink all come from petrochemicals. The average price of crude oil in 2002 was about $30 a barrel. Many experts predict that there is little amount of oil left in the ground which will run out within 60years.
How A Paintball Gun Uses Compresses Air to Shoot/ Reload
This article states how a paintball gun works, with compresses gasses to shoot a small object down range. The markers (guns) use compressed gasses (CO2 or Nitrogen primarily) stored in an attached air tank. The gas is release from the tank and due to under great pressure it expands and force the object out. There are two primary forms of firing mechanisms blow back and electro-pneumatic guns. The blow back mechanism uses a spring, mechanical parts and simple physics to harness the gases energy in a self re-cocking mechanism. The bolt has a spring in it (pushing it forward), and is pulled back and held in place by simple mechanical devices. When the trigger is pulled the bolt drops and the gun shoots, the pressure from the gas causes the object to go flying and for the bolt to move back into position.
See article #2 by me for electro-pneumatic guns.
To find this article use: http://rockymountainsports.stores.yahoo.net/howdoesthatp.html Or for any more questions: Question/Coments Produced by: Rocky Mountain Sports & Health Inc.3335 Arapahoe Rd. Unit 70-221. Erie CO 80516 PH: (303) 665-8812
100 meters underground in a 27 kilometer tunnel in Switzerland is a 6 billion dollar science project that will accelerate particles and collide proton beams creating energy not seen since milliseconds after the Big Bang. By doing so they hope to clarify how the energy of the big bang was transformed into mass and matter and possibly even create the first man made small scale black hole.
I got the article from the wpg free press cuz my net was down.
Title: Bottles and Balloons and CO2 Author: TheScienceClub Date of Article: July 30, 2007 Source: http://youtube.com/watch?v=teN3HG2kJpk
This video explains and demonstrates how when baking soda and vinegar are mixed together in a bottle they create carbon dioxide. Vinegar, being liquid, and baking soda, being a solid, mixed together create a gas, carbon dioxide therfore expanding the balloon. When the gas is formed it rises to the top of the bottle. The bottle can not expand, however since the balloon has elasticity it expands in the place of the bottle as the bubbles are formed.
In storms world (harcourt), science writer chris mooney tackles the hot debate over wether global warming will strengthen hurricanes in generals, even if it cant predict the birth or behaviour to what protection a rebuilt new orleans shoild have-and venomous. Its possible, mooney argues, that human activity is making the deadliest storms on earth even deadlier.
Title: How Terra-forming Mars will Work Author: Kevin Bonsor Article Date: Unknown Link/Source: http://www.howstuffworks.com/terraforming.html Second Link/Source: http://www.geocities.com/marsterraforming/terraforming.html
Looking at the surface of Mars reveals only barren wasteland, with little to nothing humans can use to enable life on this desolate planet. NASA’s probes dig a little deeper into the history of Mars, into an age where there very well could have been water all over the planet, maybe even a livable environment, for a different type of life-form. At this point these are only theories, but there is a good chance that humans may have to resort to living on Mars in the future years, likely this will not take place for many centuries, the even the suggestion that we may shift planets is exciting. Terra-forming Mars is a completely different story, humans would have to establish an environment that is able to contain all the things necessary to live on a planet, containing these things would probably the biggest obstacle facing humans, ever.
Polar Bear Majestic creature of the far north http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/finder/polarbear/item590.html Polar bears are the world’s largest terrestrial carnivores. It’s Latin name means sea bear and they spend most of there lives swimming in the sea. As the summer ice caps retreat they are spending more and more time on the land fasting. Global warming is the main cause of the icecaps melting so rapidly. The polar bears are the top predator in there ecosystem. They mainly live near the waters edge, they are most likely to find there food here.
Title; Effects of Radiation on Different Insects Date; July 18th, 2008 Source; Mythbusters http://youtube.com/watch?v=S-6cIy_s8pQ
This video shows an experiment done by the Mythbusters to see how much nuclear radiation a cockroach can absorb before it dies. They tested cockroaches, houseflies, and flour beetles, and by the end of the experiment, the Mythbusters had found out that a flour beetle can handle more radiation than a cockroach can, ten percent of the time. The Houseflies faired better than the cockroaches as well, but at the end of the 100,000 RAD test, flour beetles had survived, whereas no other bugs had.
Title: Gravity Author: Jejjala, Vishnu. "Gravity." World of Physics. Ed. Kimberley A. McGrath. Online. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007. Science Resource Center. Date: October 23. 2008 Source: http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/SciRC?locID=winn39111&bi=SU&bt=%2522Gravity+%28Force%29%2522&c=14&t=1&ste=21&docNum=CV2434500213&st=b&tc=63&tf=0
Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe with mass. If we don't have gravity. We wouldn't stop. Each stars have different gravity. Any two objects fall towards the center of Earth with the same rate of acceleration. And, Issac Newton offered an explanation through his law of universal gravitation. Newton's law of universal gravitation assumes that force acts at distance and does work instantaeously.
Title: Gravity Date of article: October 20, 2008 Source: http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/SciRC?locID=winn39111&bi=SU&bt=%2522Gravity+%28Force%29%2522&c=14&t=1&ste=21&docNum=CV2434500213&st=b&tc=63&tf=0
Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe with mass. If we don't have gravity. We wouldn't stop. Each stars have different gravity. Any two objects fall towards the center of Earth with the same rate of acceleration. And, Issac Newton offered an explannation through his law of universal gravitation. Newton's law of universal gravitation assumes that force acts at distance and does work instantaneously.
Title: Date of article: June 2, 2009 Source: http://www.slate.com/id/2219533/
Do car washes use up less water than washing at home? Maybe not because most people tend to spray down their cars and use up a lot of water in the process while professional car washers use up a smaller amount because of their machinery. A common garden hose spews out 11 gallons of water per minute or 660 gallons an hour. Car washes come in three types: There is the in-bay automatics, in which your car stays stationary, this uses up 17 to 69 gallons of water per vehicle, the conveyors in which your car moves through a conveyor belt through the car wash, this usually takes up around 19 to 45 gallons of fresh water, and there’s the self serve which is a coin operated car wash in which you wash your own car, these can use up to 18 gallons of fresh water. All of these can be beat, however, if you use a simple bucket of clean water and a sponge.
Title: Christmas, Winter, Darkness, Stress, and Depression
Author: Andrey Kobilnyk
Date: December 3, 2007
Source: http://www.firstscience.com/home/articles/humans/christmas-winter-darkness-stress-and-depression-page-3-1_40181.html
The article is about how the months of December, January and February are the most depression months of all. During the months when you get up in the morning it is dark and then when you get home in the evening it is still dark outside which makes everything a bit more depression because the lack of sunlight. Many people also get depressed during Christmas time because they are dealing with the stress to make everything perfect: the gifts, food and getting along with family members. There is a form of therapy to help but many people do not like the word therapy so they will never actually go for help. You can also just try to eat right and keep a healthy diet because it will help keep you relaxed rather than stressed.
Links: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080204161435.htm
Submitted By: Glynnis
Title: Soda And Mentos Experiments
Author: ScienceOnTheBrain
Although it has not been decided exactly what makes this extreme reaction between the soda and mentos, there are a few theories. The most probable one is the fact that carbon dioxide is pumped into the pop bottles in factories. When the bottle is opened, or something is dropped into it, the gas rushes upwards, trying to escape.
The gelatin and gum arabic of the mentos breaks the surface tension of the gas molecules. This makes it so that it takes less work for the gas to expand and form bubbles. Also, there are many tiny tiny holes in the surface of the candy, where carbon dioxide bubbles can form.
All this combined causes the bubbles to form, and shoot up the top of the bottle.
Links: http://youtube.com/watch?v=NEV45h9qeNQ
Title- The Physics of Ballet
Author- Discover Magazine
Date- unknown
Source- http://discovermagazine.com/1999/nov/thephysicsofball1730
This article not only discusses Ken Law's love for ballet, but how he uses his knowledge of physics to make it better. He is a dance teacher, and has applied his expertise in physics to make pirouettes longer using the momentum of the leg more efficiently. Grand jetes en tournant get better when you bring your legs together at the top of it. And grand jetes can look like you're floating when you split your legs at the top of your jump and close them as you come down. This article shows how physics connects even to dance, and how when we apply what we know, we can make better dancers.
By Kayla F
Additional Sources-
Title: Slippery when not wet?
Author: Science of learning network
Date: date unknown
Slippery when not wet describes what the slippery part of the ice is made up of. For many years scientists have believed that the ice was created by pressure. Recently, chemist Gabor Samorjai has discovered that it is not pressure that creates the water lubricant that we skate on, it is actually vibrating molecules. While taking a better look at the molecules, Gabor Samorjai discovered that every second water molecule was missing. Since that was highly unlikely that every second water molecule was missing, him and his team took a better look and found that every second water molecule was actually there! They were just vibrating so fast and quickly that they could not see it with the technology they were using. Somorjai then made a very significant discovery. The water molecules only move up and down and act very much like a liquid. This is very important because if the molecules moved side to side, the surface of the ice would actually be in a liquid form. The liquid layer caused by the up and down movement of the water molecules is what makes the ice slippery.
additional sources:
Lauren O
Tearless Onion Created In Lab Using Gene Silencing
Author: ScienceDaily (Feb.5, 2008) Information adapted from materials provided by Crop and Food Research
Dr Colin Eady has been using gene-silencing technology called RNAi which allows him to shut down or turn off certain genes in an onion. RNAi is a safe way to aim for the plant’s own natural regulation system without using any foreign proteins in the plant. By shutting down the lachrymatory factor synthase gene, he has stopped the sulphur compounds from being converted to the tearing agent. Dr. Eady redirected the sulphur compounds into compounds known for their flavour and health properties. Dr. Eady is also working on making the onion capable of being grown in an efficient manner throughout climate change and other challenges. Dr. Eady hopes that the tearless onion will draw more people in to eat the nutritious and versatile vegetable.
Climate Change Might Affect Hibernation
Author: Fort Collins
We all heard of Global Warming and can also notice it. But now a recent study in USA has shown that this might also affect the survival of animal species that hibernate; for example, ground squirrels and some species of frogs. They might not survive since scientists believe if the animals were to increase their metabolism before the plants sprout, the animals would then die from starvation.
Start making a difference by taking short showers, carpooling is better and idling the car wastes lots of money and gas, plant trees, and take cloth bags for shopping. Do all of these things and many more and you will not only save the animals but save Earth! So go out (in the spring preferably) and plant a tree!
Daniela Pilomeno
Climate Change Not Only Affects Us But Animals
Author: Fort Collins
We all heard of Global Warming and can also notice it. But now a recent study in USA has shown that this might also affect the survival of animal species that hibernate; for example, ground squirrels and some species of frogs. They might not survive since scientists believe if the animals were to increase their metabolism before the plants sprout, the animals would then die from starvation.
Start making a difference by taking short showers, carpooling is better and idling the car wastes lots of money and gas, plant trees, and take cloth bags for shopping. Do all of these things and many more and you will not only save the animals but save Earth! So go out (in the spring preferably) and plant a tree!
Related Links:
StopGlobalWarming: http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/
Recent Climate Change:
Climate Change Affecting Migants and Hibernating Species:
Awareness Article 1
Title: Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
Author: Gerta Keller
Date of Article: September 26, 2006
Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory discusses the theory of volcanoes causing the mass extinction even though it is widely believed that an asteroid filling the air with sun blocking dust caused it. Evidence suggests that volcanoes may have triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. These massive volcanoes would have blasted toxic gas and poisoned much of earth’s life. Geologists have known that central India was buried by a series of eruptions at around the time of he extinction, this area is now known as the Deccan traps. The eruptions would have poured carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the air, causing global warming and acid rain. Paleontologist Gerta Keller found plankton that went extinct with the dinosaurs that were perfectly preserved by the ocean sediments. A massive bloom of new plankton should have emerged shortly after the asteroid impact but it happened 300 000 years after predicted. In Keller’s scenario the India eruptions began half a million years before the mass extinction. This lead to global warming which put major stress on the environment. Then came the asteroid impact, which pushed things further toward catastrophe. And finally 300 000 years later, the eruptions reached there climax sealing the dinosaurs’ fate.
Additional Sources
By Cameron
Title: Severe weather, tornadoes kill 50 across South
Authors: Saeed Ahmed, Mark Bixler and Ed Payne
These storms have destroyed home and have killed many people. Tornadoes have gone through Alabama, Arkansas, Kuntucky and Tennessee. In total they've killed 50 people in these states. Tennessee was hit the worst with 26 people who died and a college was hit badly were students and ritirees were trapped in the building. There are still searches being done by crews for more victims in Arkansas.
another source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/02/06/tornadoes.videos/index.html?iref=werecommend
Super-size me: Alligators reveal digestive trick
Author: Jeff Hecht
Source: NewScientist.com
A recent study conducted by Colleen G Farmer at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City has led to dramatic new findings in the area of the digestive systems in members of the Crocodilian family. As wonder grew about how a juvenile Alligator could possibly ingest 23% of its own body weight in one sitting, Colleen has found significant answers. Farmer has proven that alligators possess a rare gift for diverting large amounts of carbon dioxide rich blood to its digestive track to produce greater amounts of gastric acid, thus fuelling the digestion process. This shunt gives the alligator's cold blooded bodies a needed boost. In addition this shunt also helps in removing the harmful gastric acid from the alligators blood stream and by breaking down immense amounts of food at one time, eliminating the threat of predators finding the hidden stash. Great amounts of gastric acid is too much for one alligator's liver to handle at a time thus, this natural tool also saves the alligator's life in the process.
Submitted By: Charlie
Title: Ancient Coral May Reveal Future of Stronger Monsoons and Harsher Droughts
Author: David Biello
Date of Article: January 17, 2007
Source: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa028&articleID=325172C5-E7F2-99DF-3247D05F99C58A4E
In this article, it talks about corals which can be used to forecast a rainfall.
Coral records the history of weather and it shows patterns of it. According to forecasting of corals, there will be stronger monsoons and harsher droughts in the future. Most of patterns have actually occurred so far. Main reasons why these things happened are global warming and green house effects.
Additional Sources:
Prince George ice jam hits 33 km mark
CBC British Columbia
The Prince George ice jam has been flooding nearby homes and businesses for the past 58 days. This has put the city into a local state of emergency. This jam appears to be getting bigger, as it has now hit the 33 km mark but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The whole situation is actually getting better because there is a newly formed open channel of water running through the jam. This channel appears to be widening which can mean only good things.
Banked Snow Removed from Bridges
by Nick Martin
After an accident regarding a vehicle going over the bridge on the Red River, the province has been removing snow on roads all over the city. Despite the small amount of snowfall Winnipeg has gotten over the past month, there has still been significant build-ups of snow along roads. Due to the unfortunate accident, the snow clearing policies will be reviewed and possibly revised.
Title: The Amazing Dry Ice Experiment
Author: Reelgood0008
Date of Article: December 21, 2006
Source: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sbz150A_fh8&feature=related
The Amazing Dry Ice Experiment discusses what happens when you put dry ice and water into a cup and add a bit of soap to it.
When you put dry ice and water together it gets really cold and the ice sublimes faster. This than will create think smoke which is actually CO2. When you add the soap in, it will create many bubbles. The bubbles will than start to emerge from the cup and get larger. The bubbles were created by the dry ice and water mixing with the soap. As you took a hang full of bubbles and rubbed them on his hand, they turned into dry ice.
Additional Sources:
Submitted by: Jessica
period D
Title: Slick Death: Oil-spill treatment kills coral
Author: Carolyn Barry
Date of Article: Week of August 4, 2007
Source: http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20070804/fob1.asp
My article discusses how the oil spill treatments are killing the coral reefs in the ocean.
Oil spills can be deadly to the ocean’s habitat and also the environment. But when authorities can’t clean up oil spills mechanically, they use dispersants. Dispersants are like detergent. They break up the oil that is in the water. But sometimes droplets of oil are left and it falls down in the ocean and damages the coral. Scientists conducted a study where they left coral in a tank with oil. 90% of one specie survived in it and another specie survived 75% in oil. Even after 50 days the coral continued to grow. They then conducted the same test but put the coral in water with dispersants and all of the coral died. Overall scientists say that authorities should take in more consideration before using dispersants.
Additional Sources:
• http://www.livescience.com/environment/070731_corals_oil.html
• http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20074328/
Submitted by: Elizabeth Wood
Title: Protein Gives Bald Mice Luxurious Locks
Author: Sarah Graham
Date of Article: September 27, 2005
Source: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=protein-gives-bald-mice-l
Protein Gives Bald Mice Luxurious Locks report based on a single protein; a hairless protein. A new study suggests that is a single protein can help a bald mouse sprout a coat of fur. Researcher had done a laboratory work. Hairless mice had lack hair eventually grew a coat of fur. Hair generally grew through a process that regeneration of tiny hair follicles also hairless has a regeneration of hair follicles unclearly. Hairless protein is represented in progenitor which is a way to regrowth phases of follicles. Hairless protein’s interactions with a second protein were Wise: stores in the follicles and prevent the hair cycle from entering the regrowth phase.
Additional Sources:
Submitted by: Rebecca
Title-Why Robot Cars Are Closer To Reality!
Author-Roxana Deduleasa
Date of article-11th January 2008
Chevrolet Tahoe car, the same that used electronic to successfully drive itself through a 60miles urban course, in november 2007. the robot-car developed by carnegie university. Uses a combination of LIDAR, ladar, vision and mapping/GPS systems to see the world aroud it. In addition, the robot-car was equipped with a road geometry recognition system and perceives other traffic and obstacles on the road. This vehicle has recently navigated 60-mile of urban traffic, busy intersections and stop signs in less than six hours to win the defense advanced research projects agency(DARPA) 2007 urban challenge competition.
Additional Sources:
http://www.indianpad.com/story/176641(summary one)
Submitted by : Dante
Title-Why Robot Cars Are Closer To Reality!
Author-Roxana Deduleasa
Date of article-11th January 2008
Chevrolet Tahoe car, the same that used electronic to successfully drive itself through a 60miles urban course, in november 2007. the robot-car developed by carnegie university. Uses a combination of LIDAR, ladar, vision and mapping/GPS systems to see the world aroud it. In addition, the robot-car was equipped with a road geometry recognition system and perceives other traffic and obstacles on the road. This vehicle has recently navigated 60-mile of urban traffic, busy intersections and stop signs in less than six hours to win the defense advanced research projects agency(DARPA) 2007 urban challenge competition.
Additional Sources:
http://www.indianpad.com/story/176641(summary one)
Submitted by : Dante
I forgot to put my little links at the bottom of my article so here they are.
Title : An Earthlike planet
Author: J.L Pegg
Date of Article: May 2, 2007
Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20070502/Note2.asp
Astronomers discovered an extrasolar planet that could have water, and possibility of existance of life.
The planet orbits a star called Gliese 581 that is cooler than our sun. The astronomers revealed a lot about the new planet. It's five times heavier than Earth, has a solid surface, orbits its star every 13 days and the temperature is right for water to exist as a liquid and about same as temperatures are in the Earth.
Additional Sources:
The article I read about was called Weird Weather News and it talks about how these specific people have cancelled their trip cause of the weirdest reasons. There is this one lady who sued the local weather company for making the wrong predictions about the weather and she had to cancel her trip.
Title: Healthy Lolly's
Author: Unversity of California
Date of Article: February 06, 2008
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008.02/080204144715.htm
In the Grand Rapids Michigan, Dr. Shi and his crew at the Dentistry have created orange flavoured lolly-pops that people are eager to get there hands on. The reason for that is because these small candies are sugar-free and are made from a natural ingrediant that is found in liquorice that kills promary bacterium, Shi and his team have created "smart bombs" that find bacteria and destroy it without hurting the good. " Part of my wild dream is that one day you will walk into a dentists office and give a saliva sample to be tested, just as you would give urine and blood samples to doctors"-Dr. Shi.
North American monsoon - Traveling to the coast of Western Mexico, U.S. researchers are studying the North American Monsoon, which brings humid air and heavy rain by blowing winds from the ocean. Studying the monsoon will give forecasters a better gauge of the climate system during the summer time. They've set up weather equipment all over Mexico to track patterns into the United States.
produced for the American Institute of Physics series Discoveries and Breakthroughs in Science by Ivanhoe Broadcast News
A lifting force. Something is needed to cause the air to begin rising. The most common lifting force is heating of air near the ground. As the air warms it becomes lighter and begins rising. Advancing masses of cool air, which force warm air upward, also trigger thunderstorms.
When all the conditions are present, humid air will rise high into the sky and cool and condense into towering clouds, forming thunderstorms. This air rising into a thunderstorm is called an updraft. Tornadoes form in within a thunderstorm's updraft.
The strongest tornadoes are often near the edge of the updraft, not far from where air is descending in a downdraft caused by the thunderstorms with falling rain or hail. This is why a burst of heavy rain or hail sometimes announces a tornado's arrival.
Tornadoes are commonly associated with the nation's heartland – in a 10-state area stretching from Texas to Nebraska that also includes Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Arkansas, known as Tornado Alley.
But, they are not limited to this region. Tornadoes have occurred in all 50 U.S. states and are, in fact, more common in Florida than they are in Oklahoma.
Florida tornadoes are generally weak — for tornadoes — with winds around 100 mph.
Tornadoes that have hit Oklahoma, on the other hand, are some of the most violent on record. A tornado that struck Oklahoma City and its southern suburbs in 1999 had winds of nearly 320 just above the ground.
Tornadoes are ranked by the damage they do using the six-tiered Fujita Scale. F0 and F1 tornadoes on the scale are considered "weak" and cause minimal to moderate damage with winds from 40-112 mph. F2 and F3 tornadoes are considered strong, packing winds of 113-206 mph that can cause major to severe damage. Violent tornadoes are those classified F4 and F5 with winds exceeding 206 mph. Damage is extreme to catastrophic.
Most weak tornadoes last 10 minutes or less, traveling short distances. Violent tornadoes have been known to last for hours and a few have traveled more than 100 miles.
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/weather/resources/2006-04-03-tornado-basics_x.htm
Hurricane Katrina
This hurricane was on August 23,2005. It was located in New Orleans, LA. It was a category five hurricane. It killed about 1,386 people. The hurricane was the costliest and one of the five most deadliest hurricanes in United States history. The storm caused 81.2 billion dollars in damages. It had flooded 80% of New Orleans.
Title:MU Expert Says
Headphones Hurt Hearing
Author:Jennifer Faddis
Date:Not available
The direct delivery of music into ears can cause hearing loss over time. All of the noise we are exposed to adds up over time and wears on our hearing.
Noise-induced hearing loss is irreversible. The closer people are to the source of a sound the more damage it can do to their hearing. If other people can hear the music when you are wearing headphones or ear buds, then it is too loud. It's also important to give the ears a rest or break, listening to music the majority of the day, even at moderate levels, sound can still have a significant damaging effect. If people have to raise their voice to be heard, the sound they are listing to is to loud. Another sign of overexposure to loud noise is experiencing ringing in the ears, this is known as tinnitus. Typically hearing loss happens slowly and over time it begins to sound like people are mumbling.
Danny Ostash
Title: Montos and Diet Pepsi
By: Youtube, lucas4293
How does mentos and Pepsi make explosions? This is one of the many questions that go through your head, when two simple day to day products are put together. Diet Pepsi is a drink that is made of artificial flavoring, water and preservatives. The thing that makes Pepsi or any type of pop bubbly is invisible carbon dioxide gas. Scientists have found when the mentos are dropped into Pepsi it right away breaks the surface area, and allows bubbles to form. When the mentos hit the bottom of the bottle, all the air is pushed upward and allows gas to be released. After this gas is released it pushes all of the liquid up and out of the bottle in and creates an explosion.
title:taking air quality to heart
by:joeseph hall
in life, we had the glorious source of factorys, stores,and cars, but with it the fine particle pollution is growing and causing cardiac disease. the experts believe that 70% of the canadians yhat die each year are linked to cardiovascular desease.
because of the pollution levels it is causing hardening of the arteries. so find another way to get to work, take the bus carpool, or even walk. the earth is our home so keep it clean.
Source: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l2/black_holes.html
Extras : http://www.space.com/blackholes/
Black Holes by NASA :
We don’t really know all that much about black holes, but we have theories. The most accepted one right now is that they are the remains of a giant star that collapsed. They become black holes because they have such immense gravity that their own gravity pulls them inwards into an infinitely small particle with gigantic mass.
They are black because their gravity is so strong that even light can’t escape it.
We haven’t really detected any for sure, but we have seen what seems like one. Of course we won’t be able to see one for a while, because they are just another black spot on the universe.
Title: Tornado survivor downed shot, 'then I heard this noise'
Author: Mark Bixler, David Mattingly and Ed Payne
Date of article: February 07, 2008
Source: http://gwoodhall.blogspot.com/2008/02/g10-science-format-for-awareness.html
In Lafayette, Tennessee, a big tornado was headed in the town. All the lights went out, the glass broke and everything in the house flew all over where. Even people in the car got injured. This tornado killed at least 56 people in the South, and 32 people died in Tennessee. People had no house, and no way to live. They tried to put their lives back together; however, this tornado cause too much destroyed all the places. This tornado was deadliest in the U.S.
Additional Sources: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/02/07/tornadoes/index.html#cnnSTCVideo
Submitted by: Soonah
Article summary #1
Title: Squeezing Clouds.
Article source: Science News; 07/24/99, Vol. 156 Issue 4, p56, 3p, 3chttp://web.ebscohost.com/sas/detal?vid=5&hid=114&sid=083b6fd7-fe11-4a6a-a65e-fcfea54b60f4%40sessionmgr106
Article Date: April 23, 2004
Summary Date:February 7, 2008
I read an article about cloud seeding. Cloud seeding has not work very well using traditional methods using silver iodide. Research now being down in Mexico and South Africa has found more success using water absorbing salts (hydroscopic salts). The idea for using salt came by accident when researchers noticed clouds and storms were different over paper mills. The research will be very good for drought area of the world.
Title: The Crushing Can
Author: Youtube,JesseL1m
In the video there is a coke can on a pan and they are heating it up on the stove. After the can is heated and vapour is coming out of the top you take tongs and you flip the can upside down into a thing of like cold water with ice and stuff in it. Once the people put the can in the water all the air came out and the can got crushed. It said since they quickly condensed the vapour inside the can, there is neither air nor vapour to counter the air pressure of the exterior, and that’s why it like got crushed/.
additional sources:
Submitted by Farkhondah SorryMr.Woodhall this also with my Cloud Seeding but i forgot to put it.
Grup Name: Atlantis
Type of Project: Presentation
Members and Responsabilities:
Matias G (reaserch)
Charlie S (reaserch)
Darren H (presentation making)
Medium: Power Point
Timeline: First 10 slides on the first week, and the rest on the second.
Title: Shuttle blasts into space.
Author: Darren H
Date of Article: February 7,2008
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/02/07/spaceshuttle.ap/index.html
This article discusses the shuttle Atlatis's launch at the Kennedy Space Center. It is headed to the International space station, and carries a $2 billion European space lab. Atlantis and its seven man crew will be in space for 12 days. The last space shuttle mission is scheduled for 2010.
Title: Green Travel
Author: James Post
Date of Article: July 31st, 2007
This article talks about the effects that travel has on global warming. This refers to daily travel, like driving to work, and vacation travel. A study done at Oxford University showed that 26% of the CO2 emissions in the UK came from transportation, with planes taking up 70%. Cars caused 25% of the emissions, and public transport, such as buses or subways, resulted in 3.5%. For example, a plane trip for one person from Europe to the Caribbean causes 1.9 tons of CO2 emissions to be released, and studies have been done to show that carbon released at high altitudes is more damaging than being released on the ground. Paradise Bay Resort & Spa has started to implement the Zero Carbon Travel program, which allows then to buy carbon credits at under market value, as well as use energy efficient washing machines and fridges, all at an affordable price to the guest.
Title: Exploding Black Holes Could Expose Hidden Dimensions
Producer: NewScientist.com News Service
Author: Ker Than
Date of Article: 05 February 2008
Source: http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn13279-exploding-black-holes-could-expose-hidden-dimensions.html
Exploding Black Holes discusses the possibility of finding proof of other dimensions by studying the effects of the dissipation of smaller black holes, based on various theories. The article discusses the “string theory” which predicts that in the event of the existence of extra dimensions, black holes would engulf these dimensions and form “black strings” and also the theory of “Hawking Evaporation” which states that black holes evaporate/explode (only small black holes will evaporate completely in the lifetime of the universe) as they vanish. The article indicates that under these two theories, when a black hole evaporates, the “strings” would weaken and snap. This would release the dimension’s energy in the form of radiation, detectable to new, wider range radio telescopes. This radiation could prove not only the existence of extra dimensions, but allow scientists to determine their size as well. These cosmic events are only theoretical and have yet to be proven.
Additional Sources:
Submitted By: Andrew
White Tigers
The white tiger was originated from the asian species. There is roughly only 200 white bangle tigers left around the whole world unless we discontinue hunting these beautiful creatures. They were first spotted in the frozen tundra of the Soviat Far East. There is about a total of 5000 to 7000 bangle tiger species left in our world. That is a very miniscule number compared to how many there used to be. In the past 100 years there has only been a spotting of 12 in India. The first of their existence was between the time of 1556 through 1605 A.D.
A.J. (aka:Alicia)
This artcle was about Hydrogen cars and how they will be Fuel effiecient and how they will better our society by not polluting. The car will run on a "chemical reaction caused by hydrogen and water." as said in the article. President Bush said that " Fuel cell cars will make our air significantly cleaner, and our country much less dependant on foreign sources of oil. This article is basically saying the president is promoting this new automobile and wants it to be on the market to save our enviorment. As well as to slow the importation and use of oil.
Solar Energy : Global Warming - "Adverse Effects Due To Global Warming"
During the past 9 to 10 years, our atmosphere has produced warm years, mainly to the fact of global warming. The number of times it has rained has increased during the last 50-60 years, also due to global warming. Storms morph into tempests because of global warming. Hurricanes and Tornadoes have been rated higher in recent years because of the fact global warming increases their intensity and furiousity.
To reduce global warming we can re use wood from old houses to build new ones, because at the rate we're going, we'll run out of trees. We also have to cut down on pollution. Pollution from houses, cities, cars, factories and other materials that cause pollution, as this is a big part of global warming. Global warming also causes a lot of health issues, when the heat rises, this causes diseases, heat people aren't prepared for etc. Mosquitos have been found in places that were once to cold for them and mosquitos now carry diseases. In the end, global warming is a very serious issue that shouldn't be taken lightly.
- Adam Rodewald
PS: Sorry for posting late, had an issue with posting and the gmail account.
Additional Sources-
Is this ok?
Title:Lifeblood of the World: How Crude Oil Powers Our Lives.
I read an article about crude oil in modern life.
The article discusses the importance of crude oil in modern life. The global economy would screech to a halt without a constant supply of petroleum. Detergents, food additives, tires, nail polish, lipstick and pen ink all come from petrochemicals. The average price of crude oil in 2002 was about $30 a barrel. Many experts predict that there is little amount of oil left in the ground which will run out within 60years.
Shabonah A.B
Awareness Article #1
How A Paintball Gun Uses Compresses Air to Shoot/ Reload
This article states how a paintball gun works, with compresses gasses to shoot a small object down range. The markers (guns) use compressed gasses (CO2 or Nitrogen primarily) stored in an attached air tank. The gas is release from the tank and due to under great pressure it expands and force the object out. There are two primary forms of firing mechanisms blow back and electro-pneumatic guns. The blow back mechanism uses a spring, mechanical parts and simple physics to harness the gases energy in a self re-cocking mechanism. The bolt has a spring in it (pushing it forward), and is pulled back and held in place by simple mechanical devices. When the trigger is pulled the bolt drops and the gun shoots, the pressure from the gas causes the object to go flying and for the bolt to move back into position.
See article #2 by me for electro-pneumatic guns.
To find this article use: http://rockymountainsports.stores.yahoo.net/howdoesthatp.html
Or for any more questions: Question/Coments
Produced by: Rocky Mountain Sports & Health Inc.3335 Arapahoe Rd. Unit 70-221. Erie CO 80516 PH: (303) 665-8812
By: Chris
Canadians wired to Big Bang ‘discovery machine’
Written by: Margaret Munro
100 meters underground in a 27 kilometer tunnel in Switzerland is a 6 billion dollar science project that will accelerate particles and collide proton beams creating energy not seen since milliseconds after the Big Bang. By doing so they hope to clarify how the energy of the big bang was transformed into mass and matter and possibly even create the first man made small scale black hole.
I got the article from the wpg free press cuz my net was down.
Title: Bottles and Balloons and CO2
Author: TheScienceClub
Date of Article: July 30, 2007
Source: http://youtube.com/watch?v=teN3HG2kJpk
This video explains and demonstrates how when baking soda and vinegar are mixed together in a bottle they create carbon dioxide. Vinegar, being liquid, and baking soda, being a solid, mixed together create a gas, carbon dioxide therfore expanding the balloon. When the gas is formed it rises to the top of the bottle. The bottle can not expand, however since the balloon has elasticity it expands in the place of the bottle as the bubbles are formed.
Additional Sources:
Submitted by: Latrissa
Title: Storms and politics
Date: 7/23/2007
source; maclean's: 7/23/2007 Vol. 120 issue 28, p63-63, 1/9p
In storms world (harcourt), science writer chris mooney tackles the hot debate over wether global warming will strengthen hurricanes in generals, even if it cant predict the birth or behaviour to what protection a rebuilt new orleans shoild have-and venomous. Its possible, mooney argues, that human activity is making the deadliest storms on earth even deadlier.
Title: How Terra-forming Mars will Work
Author: Kevin Bonsor
Article Date: Unknown
Link/Source: http://www.howstuffworks.com/terraforming.html
Second Link/Source: http://www.geocities.com/marsterraforming/terraforming.html
Looking at the surface of Mars reveals only barren wasteland, with little to nothing humans can use to enable life on this desolate planet. NASA’s probes dig a little deeper into the history of Mars, into an age where there very well could have been water all over the planet, maybe even a livable environment, for a different type of life-form. At this point these are only theories, but there is a good chance that humans may have to resort to living on Mars in the future years, likely this will not take place for many centuries, the even the suggestion that we may shift planets is exciting. Terra-forming Mars is a completely different story, humans would have to establish an environment that is able to contain all the things necessary to live on a planet, containing these things would probably the biggest obstacle facing humans, ever.
By: Sean Scollin-Ward
Polar Bear
Majestic creature of the far north
Polar bears are the world’s largest terrestrial carnivores. It’s Latin name means sea bear and they spend most of there lives swimming in the sea. As the summer ice caps retreat they are spending more and more time on the land fasting. Global warming is the main cause of the icecaps melting so rapidly. The polar bears are the top predator in there ecosystem. They mainly live near the waters edge, they are most likely to find there food here.
Title; Effects of Radiation on Different Insects
Date; July 18th, 2008
Source; Mythbusters
This video shows an experiment done by the Mythbusters to see how much nuclear radiation a cockroach can absorb before it dies. They tested cockroaches, houseflies, and flour beetles, and by the end of the experiment, the Mythbusters had found out that a flour beetle can handle more radiation than a cockroach can, ten percent of the time. The Houseflies faired better than the cockroaches as well, but at the end of the 100,000 RAD test, flour beetles had survived, whereas no other bugs had.
- Daniela Cianflone
Title: Gravity
Author: Jejjala, Vishnu. "Gravity." World of Physics. Ed. Kimberley A. McGrath. Online. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007. Science Resource Center.
Date: October 23. 2008
Source: http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/SciRC?locID=winn39111&bi=SU&bt=%2522Gravity+%28Force%29%2522&c=14&t=1&ste=21&docNum=CV2434500213&st=b&tc=63&tf=0
Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe with mass. If we don't have gravity. We wouldn't stop. Each stars have different gravity. Any two objects fall towards the center of Earth with the same rate of acceleration. And, Issac Newton offered an explanation through his law of universal gravitation. Newton's law of universal gravitation assumes that force acts at distance and does work instantaeously.
Song-Yi Park
Title: Gravity
Date of article: October 20, 2008
Source: http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/SciRC?locID=winn39111&bi=SU&bt=%2522Gravity+%28Force%29%2522&c=14&t=1&ste=21&docNum=CV2434500213&st=b&tc=63&tf=0
Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe with mass. If we don't have gravity. We wouldn't stop. Each stars have different gravity. Any two objects fall towards the center of Earth with the same rate of acceleration. And, Issac Newton offered an explannation through his law of universal gravitation. Newton's law of universal gravitation assumes that force acts at distance and does work instantaneously.
Date of article: June 2, 2009
Source: http://www.slate.com/id/2219533/
Do car washes use up less water than washing at home? Maybe not because most people tend to spray down their cars and use up a lot of water in the process while professional car washers use up a smaller amount because of their machinery. A common garden hose spews out 11 gallons of water per minute or 660 gallons an hour. Car washes come in three types: There is the in-bay automatics, in which your car stays stationary, this uses up 17 to 69 gallons of water per vehicle, the conveyors in which your car moves through a conveyor belt through the car wash, this usually takes up around 19 to 45 gallons of fresh water, and there’s the self serve which is a coin operated car wash in which you wash your own car, these can use up to 18 gallons of fresh water. All of these can be beat, however, if you use a simple bucket of clean water and a sponge.
Written by Nina Shen Rastogi
Submitted by Miko
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