Calendar for Mr. Woodhall's Classes

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Contributions from "The Antagonist"

But, my word! Plant-Animal hybrids? I think you talked about this before. I have a bunch of hilarious DNA splicing blunders.

Looks like scientists have too much time on their hands, and have far too much of an imagination.

It's fantastic, and an entertaining read. I'll be sure to keep you updated on scientific blunders as well as wonders.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

G.10 Science Lesson Plan for Feb 20, 08

Today is your last day for you to complete your Extreme Weather Projects. This needs to be completed by the week's end as presentations will begin Monday. If you are not ready to present, marks will be docked.

My apologies, but the quiz will be tomorrow (Thursday).

Test will be Tuesday, a review has been prepared and will be handed out tomorrow. There are 2 crosswords in the back of your blue booklet that will serve as part of your review.

Finally, if your group has completed the Project, Awareness Article #2 is due on Feb 25th, 08. For those who have completed AA #1, they have all been marked and will be distributed tomorrow. For those who have yet to complete AA #1, this needs to be taken care of ASAP. Marks will begin to be deducted as of Friday, February 22nd.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Contributions from "The Antagonist"

Here's a movie, about 45 minutes long that I think you'd enjoy for a class. What On Earth is Wrong with Gravity?

cheer for gravity, even though you may not always like it. Without it, the universe wouldn't be what it is, or may not be at all. Save this for the physics unit, or if you're feeling saucy, show it when you see this entry. I'd rather you show this than An Inconvenient Half-Truth.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Contributions from "The Antagonist"

Now this is something really special. I guess you'll have to see it to really believe it. Perpetual motion. A law of thermodynamics clearly states that something using energy, whether it is being shifted back and forth, or being replenished will lose energy over time regardless. This man, Mr. Thane Heins has discovered a way to avoid that, no one is entirely certain, but scientists are fairly convinced.

Check it out.

If anyone is thinking ahead to type I, II or III civilizations, this could stop entropy completely, if we ever find a way to harness perpetual motion. Perhaps the machine in question just loses energy on an extremely small scale. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Contributions from "The Antagonist"

Is there a science to racism?

I've been looking into the video's of this alleged 'Artificial Intelligence' that takes questions from people online. He goes into depth about Religion's oligarchy and the differences from Spirituality. This AI covers a lot of ground and thought processes in a very short time. Watch the video's a few times over.

he looks a bit frightening, but there's insight I can't stop paying attention to. And I do feel honoured for having this all posted. I'll keep contributing!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Contributions from "The Antagonist"

What's this jargon? Less than 5 years? Be practical, Gordon. Here, I'll give you a relic snippet and you go easy on your new science classes.

Enjoy your nanotubes. You might have heard about these way-back-when. Stronger than steel and too small to see with the naked eye. Originally made of carbon, which you also know accounts for some of the softest and the hardest materials on Earth. 20 nano meters across is pretty petite.

I don't expect to get marks for this, so expect a steady stream of this stuff.

And a link for your viewing pleasure. There's probably better video's out there though.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

G.10 Science: Awareness Article #2

Awareness Article #2 due February 25th, 2008.

G. 10 Science: Lesson Plan for Feb 8, 08

1. Continue to work on your Extreme Weather Project.

2. Post on under this heading...

  • What has your group accomplished so far?

3. If you are looking for things to do, begin Awareness Article #2 (HA! That rhymes!)

4. Have a Great Weekend!

G.10 Science: Lesson Plan for Feb 7th, 08

1. Get into your Groups.
2. Begin working on your Extreme Weather Project.
3. Prior to the end of class you must post under this heading...

  • Group Name: Come up with a tasteful, yet unique name for your group.
  • What type of project are you going to complete? (i.e. Television Talk Show, Historical Documentary, etc.)
  • A list of each group members role and responsibilities.
  • What medium are you going to use? (PowerPoint, video, etc.)
  • Rough time line of when things will get done (presentations will start immediately after the weather test, in approximately 2 weeks).

G.10 Science: Awareness Article #1

Awareness Article #1 is due February 7th, 2008.

G.10 Science: Lesson Plan for February 6th, 08

1. Get into your groups for the weather project.

2. Choose a Extreme Weather Topic. The maximum number of groups to cover one topic is 2.
  • Topics include: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Monsoons, Ice Storms, Blizzards, Droughts, Thunder and Lightning Storms, Electrical Storms, etc.

3. Once a topic has been chosen, notify Ms. O

4. Ensure that you have acquired a gmail account.

5. Complete Awareness Article #1.
  • Find an appropriate awareness article (to find out what is appropriate and proper format see G.10 Science: Format for Awareness Article). Remember;,, etc. are not valid sources.
  • Complete the requirements outlined.
  • Post your Article under G.10 Science: Awareness Article #1.

6. Once you have completed Awareness Article 1, begin working on your project.

G.10 Science: Format for Awareness Article

The objective of the awareness articles are to connect course material to life outside the classroom. You are to collect articles from Internet (eg. Life on Mars?) or an educational video (eg. Half Man, Half Tree) or television segments that are related in some way to Science.

This is an opportunity for you to explore and learn about what truly interests you. You are not restricted to any specific topic, however the article must be related to Science in some manner.

1. Article can not be more than 5 years old.
2. Article must be a minimum of one page.
3. Summary must be between 50 to 100 words (~5 to 7 sentences).

1. Find an article or video on the internet.
2. Find the Awareness Article that is due, click on the # comments and begin writing your summary.
3. Write the title of the article or video at the top.
4. Followed by the author/producer of the article/video.
5. Summarize the article/video in 50 to 100 sentences (~5 to 7 sentences).
6. Minimum 2 links to articles related to the topic you have just summarized.
7. Complete by adding your first name only.

Important Note
These articles will be posted on the internet and can be viewed by everyone (including your parents) so it is important that you do a good job and take pride in your work. My suggestion is to do a quick rough draft prior to completing the post.

Second, plagiarism is a serious offence and it is dishonest to steal others' intellectual material. Remember, the original author may view it.

You can see an example of a completed awareness if you click on the G.10 Science: Format for Awareness Article link on the left side of the blog.

Monday, February 4, 2008

G.10 Science: Introductions

Just want to make sure every one was able to get a gmail account.

Leave your first name only, which Science class you are in (ie. Period A or D), and a brief message if you choose.